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Anacortes - Israel's Farm - Darrington Muni - now at P3D


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Yesterday I did this same flight on XP11. Tried it today on P3D to feel the pros and cons. 

After the flight, my first impressions are:

1) The airports are very much the same at either platform, all very beautiful and detailed. 

2) I feel that TE Washington is light-years ahead from PNW/P3D. The difference between both is stunning. Even though I love ORBX PNW/P3D,  IMO TE Washington provides the most realistic views I have ever seen. 

3) For me, in P3D the weather representation is still better than in XP11 (including seasons, rain, snow and better turbulence effects) - this has nothing to do with ORBX. 

My conclusions:

- It is a pleasure to fly across this region in both platforms, each sim has its weaknesses and strengths.

- TE Washington is the most stunning product I have seen in years. Well done ORBX!

- XP11 or P3D? For me, both!!!! :) 
































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47 minutes ago, fltsimguy said:

Totally agree on all points.


Nice shots an can you please advise me on what weather/cloud package you are using?



On P3D I use Active Sky and Active Sky Cloud Art. 

On XP11, UWXP 2.5 and Active Sky. 



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20 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

A beautiful series of views.

I too run both sims and still thoroughly enjoy the P3D scenery.

I agree with your synopsis, the thing I miss most when on XP-11 is the weather.;)


I hope that in the near future this point will be addressed. Both sims are amazing. Imagine me flying with the first FS in the late 1980s and 1990s..... What a distance from what we have now! 

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8 minutes ago, Lee H said:

Great shots Dario. Just curious, you use TE Washington, but without PNW installed, is that not correct?




Hi Lee, I use TE Washington on XP11 and ORBX PNW on P3D. Regards, Dario.

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Excellent set of pics from the flight Sir, I can only compare with XP11 here on the forums as I do not have it, it looks great from what I see but I believe that if I had XP + P3D I would not have enough hours in the day to enjoy both to the full extent, I would be like a kid with too many toys, what do I play with now!!!! :D  Enjoyed your shots!

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17 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Excellent set of pics from the flight Sir, I can only compare with XP11 here on the forums as I do not have it, it looks great from what I see but I believe that if I had XP + P3D I would not have enough hours in the day to enjoy both to the full extent, I would be like a kid with too many toys, what do I play with now!!!! :D  Enjoyed your shots!


Thank you for your words. We are really grown up kids, and the time available is unfortunately always less than what we would need to fully explore all these amazing sceneries. :( It’s no doubt an addicting hobby! :) 

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A great comparison and a perfect set of screenshots:)


I think overall Orbx has raised the bar on what is now possible with simulation reality. I believe that what we will begin to see over the next little while is that other 

speciality providers will "up their game" so to speak when it comes to weather representation as you are speculating as well.


We say a brief insight into this a while ago with the superb screenshot that FILOU posted at Cardiff airport using XEnviro I believe.


Thanks for doing this comparison. It was interesting and informative and by the way, your wonderful screenshots weren't half bad either !!!



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8 hours ago, renault said:

A great comparison and a perfect set of screenshots:)


I think overall Orbx has raised the bar on what is now possible with simulation reality. I believe that what we will begin to see over the next little while is that other 

speciality providers will "up their game" so to speak when it comes to weather representation as you are speculating as well.


We say a brief insight into this a while ago with the superb screenshot that FILOU posted at Cardiff airport using XEnviro I believe.


Thanks for doing this comparison. It was interesting and informative and by the way, your wonderful screenshots weren't half bad either !!!




Thank you very much for your comments, Renault! 

Yes, I was very much interested in xEnviro, but some people reported a relevant FPS loss. So I decided to wait. I agree with you, this will be solved in the (hopefully near) future. So far, we keep enjoying both sims (or the 3 of them, let’s not forget Aerofly - I sometimes play with it a little bit). 

Best regards, 


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5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Beautiful as always Dario and I concur 100%.


Hi, Jack! Thank you for the comments! I see in your posts that you also love to fly both sims. As you once said, it’s a great moment for this fascinating hobby :)  

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