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Back to Australia: Cessnok / AU v2


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15 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Dario.

The Hunter is a  beautiful part of Australia to explore.


Thanks, @VH-KDK! It is really lovely. As @Jack Sawyer says when he enjoys a scenery, I would like to live there :) 


15 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these. 




Thanks @Iain Emms ! :) 


14 hours ago, Stillwater said:

I can smell the wine from these fields, nice details Dario!


Me too, @Stillwater ! These visuals are really amazing!


13 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed your shots, they are very good.


Thank you very much, @Stillwater! :) 



8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Perfect shots Dario!  Love your settings!


Thank you so much, @Jack Sawyer ! And you know, even though XP11 is amazing, I still love flying with ORBX/P3D. 


6 hours ago, adambar said:

Excellent shots indeed Dario! :)


Thank you very much, @adambar ! :) 


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