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Australia V2 (or other cause possibly?) Scenery Black Outblack out

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Just loving Australia V2 and not sure where this issue lies, but flying just north of Kempsey NSW on the coast towards Nambucca Heads (at around 15,000 ft) I can repeat the following issue -

Flight window goes black, P3DV4.4 still running because menus still there and no "not responding" message", but after waiting a couple of minutes P3D just shuts down. 

I've now flowned a fair bit around Victoria and flight from Melbourne to Sydney and Sydney to Port  Macquarie with no problem. This is just flying out of Port Macquaire bound for Gold Coast - same spot on three tries.           

Any thoughts?


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I think I may have put this issue in the wrong forum as maybe it is considered a support issue.

I'm an old bloke who can fly but not much good at this forum stuff so forgive me.

I don't know how to close it and put in perhaps in support.


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I followed Nick Cooper's advice on deleting the terrain config file and that seems to have fixed the problem. The issue above wasn't the black squares which others raise but simply the whole scenery window going black (not the whole monitor) at the same coordinates each time. Took a punt that it was  scenery related,  I tried deleting the terrain config file and the issue has gone. Good simple instructions Nick


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