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Surround sound...erm... vision

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Apropos not a lot... 


I bought myself a new PC about a year ago, but am still using a couple of monitors I bought a decade ago, courtesy of a Lloyds Bank PPI refund. They're Dell P2210s - pretty old and relatively small, but they do the job. I usually use one screen for flight and the other for flight planning on the fly - aka find where I am wen I get lost - viewing charts and the like: LittleNavMap, Navigraph, NATS etc.


However, recently I have been mucking around with flying on two screens and have to say that I like the extended view. My PC seems able to keep up with the extra load (most of the time) so, today being pay-day, I decided to buy another P2210. It is second hand... oops... refurbished.


Looking forwards to seeing what to the left and to the right of me.


The Orbx scenery I have  (TE GB South, Central, North, Shoreham - used to live near there - and the feeebie XP11 airports - all work well on two monitors and I hope my infernal machine will be able to keep up with the extra pixels I'm chucking at it.


Delivery due in a couple of days.

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