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i9 9900k


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12 hours ago, ozboater said:

OK, Ben - a little late, but most people don't know that P3Dv4 multithreads very well.


I suspected that too which is why I went with the i9 9900k.


9 hours ago, Cyclone1 said:

Ben are you getting everything dialed in to that new rig you built?


Slowly but surely, got all of ORBX installed now including the new Australia v2 and have done a few test flights with the default F-22, handles Melbourne City Scene quite nicely. Still getting the occasional stutter but nowhere near what I was getting before. Will be interesting to see how it goes with some decent payware aircraft and heavy weather.

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It takes some doing to get everything dialed in for sure, shutting off back ground programs newest drivers for GPU and motherboard, setting up BIOS and on and on! ASUS is trying to send me a new motherboard because of the lighting on the board. Long story short the lights come on and work but the software Aura Sync has a hard time controlling the lights; the board works great other than that! This last week I have downloaded all the Flight Sims and it runs great so I am about to just say no and keep this board; lol It is after all the performance I am looking for not how bright I can make the board. the board lights are set on blue to match the fan lights of the case and right now I am happy enough that everything for the most part is working great! RGB lighting is a pain! good to hear you are getting dialed in!

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7 hours ago, Cyclone1 said:

 RGB lighting is a pain! good to hear you are getting dialed in!


Thanks Cyclone, seems like RGB is an issue on many boards including the Aorus series, I've gotten mine to work but not without some issues....how hard can it be!


Anyway on to more important stuff I did try to overclock my setup but ran into stability issues when trying to set the voltages up, I think I'll leave it the way it is for now and if I'm set on doing it I might take it down to a shop and get the pros to do it for me.

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Man oh man, sorry to hear about the RGB vex, I think it effects every brand of board out there in some way. Today I basically told ASUS please fix your ongoing lighting software I am not going to send back this board that is working perfectly fine, it is a software issue not a hardware malfunction! 

About the overclock, I clocked mine up to 4.9,  then ran it at spec and did not really see that great of a performance change to keep it over clocked so I took it back down. For now I am leaving the CPU as is and unless I can prove to myself it is worth overclocking to heck with it! Unclocked it runs darn good and it will last longer and produce less heat! One good feature is that ASUS motherboards are very, very easy to overclock. If you are in that 30 day return window and get feed up switch it out for an ASUS. At the very least then you will have to deal with this dumb software lighting issue. Jeez the new computer thing can become a lot of work setting up, just keep plugging at it, Gigabyte make a very good board once you get through the setup head ache; lol. make sure to get the RAM running faster via the BIOS or UEFI and also speed up the GPU and you will be set!

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I finally got ActiveSky to work remotely over the network so as to keep the new PC as lean as possible, man what a complicated process that was!


RGB is all set too, just keeping it simple with a solid green colour that pulses slowly, not a fan of the rainbow effects.

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That"s good Ben Active Sky is well a great program but for sure has its downloading issues. I have been reinstalling all of my ORBX products last nigh and am no where near finished. I did the same with lighting got 1 main color set and am leaving it alone, (Blue, fans and Ram), (AIO Water cooler Kracken 62-X Red and Blue}. The rainbow thing, yuk, lol! I have Flight1 GPN 650/750 but not sure I will use it again, trying not to use all the software I had head aches with before! Unfortunately Active Sky must be used cause it is the best weather engine I have found! Just got the newest Milviz Airplane and have not even tried it yet!

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Looking smooth Ben I am not noticing stutters, i think you got her sir; great job! Did you see the post where one guy just puts his CPU in boost mode, it works great if you have the feature and really no need to overclock!

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The video has stutter. You<re running at 1440p with 990k and 2080ti?

Something is wrong with the setup, you should be running more stable fps and higher.

With Win10, you should be careful about 2 settings:

a. running this program as an administrator and

b. check the "disable full screen optimizations" (this one is important)

My 2 cents


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2 hours ago, ve2dgz said:

b. check the "disable full screen optimizations" (this one is important)


I actually have not heard of this one before, I did as you suggested but unfortunately didn't find any noticeable improvement :unsure:


But I agree, I would like more stable frames, maybe there is something else in my setup that is wrong?

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Ben did you already optimize Nvidia Control panel? Also is your Ram running at its best speed for optimization? Do you have an option to shut down back ground programs from running and an option to boost the GPU speed for gaming! I run on a 49" Screen at 4K and pretty darn smooth, not sure what you are using for display? Also worth checking is Windows optimizing for gaming so stuff is not working against your system while in the flight sim. You have the horse power for sure it is just a matter of finding the right setting. P3Dv4.5 has some setting that will bring even the best system to its knees, you tube it if you have not done so yet, man wish I was there to help this kinda stuff drives you nuts!

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On 6/13/2019 at 12:59 PM, Cyclone1 said:

Ben did you already optimize Nvidia Control panel? Also is your Ram running at its best speed for optimization? Do you have an option to shut down back ground programs from running and an option to boost the GPU speed for gaming!


Thanks Cyclone, I did a lot of what you suggested and I definitely made some improvements but damned if I can record a video without it adding extra stuttering into the final cut!


What video capture program is the best for this kind of stuff?!?

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1 hour ago, Ben77 said:


Thanks Cyclone, I did a lot of what you suggested and I definitely made some improvements but damned if I can record a video without it adding extra stuttering into the final cut


What video capture program is the best for this kind of stuff?!?

Nvidia GE Experience aka Shadowplay does a great job. No stutter whatsoever.

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6 minutes ago, dominique said:

Nvidia GE Experience aka Shadowplay does a great job. No stutter whatsoever.


Thanks dominique, I have been using that but am still getting some stuttering, maybe I should just relax and enjoy my ga....I mean simulator :P

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3 minutes ago, Ben77 said:


Thanks dominique, I have been using that but am still getting some stuttering, maybe I should just relax and enjoy my ga....I mean simulator :P


The issue is do you see that stuttering in-game ? Your video on the video forum is a stutterfest as displayed on my screen. If so, you have a problem. If not enjoy the game indeed.


BTW do you edit the video with Movie Maker or the like and did you check the parameters ofyour upload to Youtube ?




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42 minutes ago, dominique said:


The issue is do you see that stuttering in-game ? Your video on the video forum is a stutterfest as displayed on my screen. If so, you have a problem. If not enjoy the game indeed.


BTW do you edit the video with Movie Maker or the like and did you check the parameters ofyour upload to Youtube ?


My previous video did indeed have a lot of stutter in-game but I followed some suggestions and have seen major improvements. Now I have almost no stutters in-game but can't record it without stutter being added in the final video. No video editing was done, just straight recording with a number of programs including shadowplay.


I did a flight in the PMDG 737 without the video recorder or fps being displayed and found it to be a flawless experience. I can't really complain about that!


Thank you everyone for all your help and thanks dominique

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On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 1:16 PM, ozboater said:


You are now quite wrong, and out of touch with P3Dv4 when you state " I repeat, single-core power is still more important than anything else ". I am replying to you as your posts seemed so vehement regarding what is now out of date, and old thinking.


Just to make those things clear (I was away for three weeks): I agree that P3Dv4.x is way better in taking advantage of multiple cores, but what you show in this thread is far away from proofing anything. I am a scientist and those images and videos might convince a person totally unaware about how to proof things (or deny it), but certainly not me. It lacks to many things, the proper "negative control" to compare the results to is the most important thing. How should a screenshot or a video of one single computer using processor X or Y proof anything? If you state that the 9900K is superior to the 9700K due to hyperthreading, the only valid proof is running an analysis with both processors and showing the difference. With a 9900K you could easily do this: run P3D once with hyperthreading on, record the FPS numbers etc., then run the exact same scenario again with hyperthreading off (as such mimicking the 9700K (kind of, the cache is different). Only then, you could state: ok, with hyperthreading on, the 9900K performs XY FPS better than without hyperthreading.


And guess what? Surprisingly, it will even then greatly depend on the settings you use. Take my rig as an example: I use a 8700K at 5.0GHz and I get better results by limiting P3Dv4.5 with an affinity mask to six cores only and leave the "hyperthreading" for Windows and Addons. I DID this test, running my 8700K with or without hyperthreading and I can definitely say that P3Dv4.5 runs smoother if those "hyperthreaded cores" are disabled. As I do not want to loose the hyperthreading benefit for everything else, I keep it on and mimick HT off with the affinity mask.


Then your example with the unclocked Ryzen... gosh, again the same "mistake". What should screenshots of P3D running fine on a unclocked Ryzen at 3.4GHz proof? Nothing except that it runs fine. But you can not tell if it would not run even better if the Ryzen would run at 4.0GHz instead or if the Ryzen would run at 5.0GHz but with half of the cores active as long as you do not test it and compare the numbers.


Even your statement implies that I am right in the end: you yourself say that the 9900K is the best CPU for P3D. How come? It has only 8 cores and 16 threads. If your logic would be valid, a Ryzen 2700X should be as good (because single-core performance is not important, right?) and an AMD Threadripper 1920X with 12 cores and 24 threads would even be way more suitable with almost the same prizetag as the 9900K and the non-plus ultra would be the Threadripper 2990WX with 32 cores and 64 threads...


Same goes for your 1080p versus 4K statement: this is about 90% depending on the GPU, not the processor. You can not just say that a 9700K is suitable for 1080p but not for 4K, how do you even come to such a conclusion...

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Why should I use Process Lasso if my bat files do exactly the same and nicely limit all addons running with P3D on the cores I want? No need for any extra software...


But I do anyway not get your comment, it is not me having any issues nor it was me saying the 9900K is not suitable or anything like this...

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6 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


this is not the place for personal squabbles.


True !!

However I think we need a personal squabbles area. (death threats  excluded of course)

Personal squabbles are happening all over the world, we need to stay current with ORBX squabbles.



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There are plenty of forums where personal squabbles are the norm and anyone intent

on continuing with a personal squabble is very welcome to take it to one of them.

Anyone who delights in reading personal squabbles is very welcome to follow them there.:)

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5 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


There are plenty of forums where personal squabbles are the norm and anyone intent

on continuing with a personal squabble is very welcome to take it to one of them.

Anyone who delights in reading personal squabbles is very welcome to follow them there.:)

Grump !

You're not going to trick me into a squabble with you.

We all live in peace here in America.-_-

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These articles are pretty interesting regarding regarding AMD and the new processors! As you know both Ben and myself have new builds with the i9-9900k and in my case I am very satisfied with the result. That said I will be watching AMD for a second build for my wife in the near future! The interesting part is that she hardly ever uses a computer, (I'll help her out lol). Now ASUS is talking about a "Super 2080ti" things are changing very fast! I must admit I am liking what I am seeing from AMD and especially the pricing is good, this is way overdue and will open some doors for new builds for everyone!


Doug C 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Very nice! There are many very nice X570 mobo's to choose from. There are also a line of X470 MAX boards that will be released for this 3rd gen Ryzen....but for this round and because there will soon be some even better Ryzen CPU's coming down the pipeline, I am able to use my existing X370 board and install the R7 3800X or R9 3900X and enjoy a huge performance upgrade fully supported by ASUS. I have chosen the 3800X, which is on order. So this will be the same mobo now for my 1800X, 2700X, and now 3800X. Then in the near future I will upgrade to 4th gen Ryzen with new mobo and there should also be some amazing AMD GPU's ready for the PCIE 4.0.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice! Your setup clearly packs a punch! 
Question is how much of that is due to the CPU and what amount is caused by your CL14 RAM? There are no 3800X nor 3900X single thread comparisons unfortunately.

Here's my 3700X results:

Despite CL16 RAM, on single thread I scored 516 (a gain of 5 over another's bench). On multi-thread, I only scored 5302 (a loss of 131) due to my mobo being rubbish and not allowing my Ryzen CPU to draw more than 88 watts.

I'm going to play with tighter RAM timings and cross my fingers that a new bios update will allow a higher power draw (unlikely). Could do with keeping the board for another year and hope it doesn't spontaneously combust!

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Thanks for those results, they look promising. Did any of you Ryzen 3000 series owner already test how well they perform in Prepar3d v4.x? I mean, those single-thread numbers are interesting, but if they do not translate accordingly into P3D performance, it is of no help at all, no?


PS: I am not intending to switch my CPU, as my 5GHz 8700K is still at least on par with a current Ryzen 3000 series build. But to suggest others asking for hardware to use with P3D, it would be really nice to have some feedback about how well the Ryzen 3000 series perform in P3D...

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5 hours ago, AnkH said:

Thanks for those results, they look promising. Did any of you Ryzen 3000 series owner already test how well they perform in Prepar3d v4.x? I mean, those single-thread numbers are interesting, but if they do not translate accordingly into P3D performance, it is of no help at all, no?


PS: I am not intending to switch my CPU, as my 5GHz 8700K is still at least on par with a current Ryzen 3000 series build. But to suggest others asking for hardware to use with P3D, it would be really nice to have some feedback about how well the Ryzen 3000 series perform in P3D...

+ 1

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16 hours ago, AnkH said:

Thanks for those results, they look promising. Did any of you Ryzen 3000 series owner already test how well they perform in Prepar3d v4.x? I mean, those single-thread numbers are interesting, but if they do not translate accordingly into P3D performance, it is of no help at all, no?


Of course we test our sim after upgrade...do you? Why wouldn't they translate into P3D performance? Are you implying FS is optimized only for Intel’s single threaded performance?

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8 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Are you implying FS is optimized only for Intel’s single threaded performance?


Of course not. But it would be not the first time in processor release history that a processor is by far not that capable as benchmark results suggest. That is why. Those benchmark numbers are sometimes representative of the performance in Prepar3d, sometimes absolutely not.


Besides that, the FS community still lacks a lot of knowledge and experience with AMD processors. The more people like you "publish", the better this situation gets.

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