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Performance Increase with CityScapes and Major Airports


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Since CityScapes and Major airports will use photoreal scenery, replacing the landclass, should we see an increase in FPS in major cities, such as Sydney? Or would that further decrease frames even more?

I really am hoping for a boost as I am getting 8-10 fps around Sydney, but I guess its a fair tade off for the beuatiful scenery.  ;)

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Simple answer is no. Photoreal does not improve frames, in general it does not have much impact really.

To be honest you most likely see a drop in performanceif you run things at high levels of complexity due to the detail. but that will always depend on your system and your settings.

We need to cater for everyone, low end and high end.  I could make a simple airport with simple boxes so it runs nicely on a low end PC, but those with more grunt would feel robbed. I design to fit in as much as the systems will allow as judged by the beta testers who have a range of systems.

So at the end of the day its your system and settings that will ultimately determine performance.

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