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RV-4 Instruments


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I just picked up the Van's RV-4. Great airplane!


I'm running FSX. Everything is working great so far, but one issue. The instrumentation is dim. Its almost as if the glass faces are somehow tinted. This makes them a little hard to read. Since I don't notice this in other airplanes, I wondered about a transparency issue.


Not a terribly big deal, and I haven' been able to find this situation referenced anywhere. Might there be a solution?





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The RV-4 was a great plane which sadly hasn't survived the transition to P3Dv4 :(

I don't ever recall the instruments being dim though - admittedly it was quite some time ago.

I'm not sure whether the original developer is still with ORBX, but I do recall reading that this plane is no longer being supported; well, at least from the perspective of updates/code fixes ... someone can correct me if I am wrong.

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Given how popular this little aeroplane appeared to be at release, I'm genuinely surprised no-one else has been able to offer you some feedback on this issue. I'd love to put it into P3Dv4 but I'm trying, for the most part, to stick to P3D-compatible-installers only (making an exception for the Baytower RV7 - I need to have some sort of RV in my fleet; I love the Vertigo RV-8 as well but I cannot recall if I got that one working or not)

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