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FSX Boxed version install problem


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I have the original New Zealand North Island and South Island CD's,

It has been quite some time since I installed these sceneries on my old Toshiba laptop (and it worked perfectly by the way).

However the Tosh died and I wanted to reinstall FSX and the Orbx sceneries on my HP Omen.

So, tried to install the North Island CD via an external BluRay drive (the original from the Toshiba).

It took some time to unpack everything and finally when the installer was ready it wanted to install the sceneries in a non-existent F: drive rather than the C: drive where FSX is installed.

So copied the files across to the C: drive and tried again. It still wants to install into the F: drive and when it declares the drive to be non-existent and I click OK it just stops the install and aborts.

There is no way I can see to nominate the correct drive.


I also want to install the Steam edition of FSX and use the ORBX sceneries with that, but obviously need to resolve this wrong drive path issue first.

I'd appreciate any suggestions - or even actual knowledge - of how to fix this problem.


ORBX Installer.jpg

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the installer can do no more than look for the windows registry entry for your installed simulator.

It seems that it is storing incorrect information.

You can correct this using the FSX Registry Utility from this page.


Why would you want to install FSX-SE when you already have FSX?

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Hi Nick

Thanks for the tip, I'll see if I can fix that registry entry.
FSX was originally on the SSD from my dead Toshiba, so it was originally the C: drive...so that makes sense.

However I decided to install FSX from the original CD's on my Omen and when I did that it wiped FSX on the SSD.

Obviously it left the registry entry pointing to the SSD (now F:)

So now it all makes sense.

Why FSX-SE? Only reason I have had so much bother trying to get the original to play nice with me I decided to forget the box version and just go through Steam.

But hopefully you have solved it for me...Cheers mate.

Just a little plug here for ORBX.

I love the stuff ORBX creates. It makes flying low and slow so, so much better. I can recognise the landmarks I know flying up and down NZ.

Next I'll be looking at getting the new UK sceneries (the land of my birth) and enjoy flying out of Newcastle airport. My Dad used to work at Newcastle airport so I spent a lot of time there.

Once again Nick, thanks for your help.

Oh, by the way, any plans for Thailand sceneries in the future. I live in Bangkok now so would love to see some SE Asia ORBX.



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