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Global Vector

John York

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I've disabled Global Vector because it made so many Airports appear to be below ground.  I now don't have that problem and can't say I've noticed any difference to my sim'...well except I don't have sunken airports any more!


Can someone please explain to me what Global Vector is for?



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Vector adds roads, shorelines, water features and also adjusts airport elevations to match mesh scenery. If you do not have mesh scenery you can disable individual airports in the configurator to eliminate the elevation problems. Most of the global freeware airports use default elevations so some must have the AEC disabled to display correctly. Unfortunately you have to stop flight simulator to change the AEC settings.

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OK - I think I can do without .  I've certainly still got roads and traffic and now my airports are perfect....well those I've used since turning Vector off.  I haven't noticed any problems with shorelines and railway lines are damn near invisible anyway from about 2000' and upwards.


And blow disabling individual airports, there are not only thousands of them but how do I know which one's would be affected and those not?!  Disregard this question.


Don't know about boats but in Minehead Bay I can still see the pleasure craft and occasional steamer cargo vessel going up to the docks.


So, for me, its a waste of time and I'm leaving it off.


I'll see how I go and I may eventually save a bit of disc space by uninstalling it completely.


Thanks for your help fellers.



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John, there are not "thousands" of airports with the wrong elevation, you can configure the majority via the Auto Vector AEC see picture in the post above.

I have hundreds of add-on airports and very few needed the AEC and if they did it was a quick Manual correction to "disabe" the affected airport.

Without Vector you have only part of a simulator.  It is nice to see the actual roads and highways as they are.



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The elevation corrections work pretty well generally, and can easily be disabled using the configuration tool.


However, beware that there is a "Vector_FixedApt" directory which makes changes to other airports that are not on the elevation corrections list and are not affected by the configuration tool.  I have already had to disable an airport in this directory as it was causing conflicts with an airport that I made.


The Pilot's developers have been remiss in not informing users of FTX Vector about these "fixed" airports.



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the fixed airports are nothing to do with Pilot's who did not see it as their job to fix any airports

that might have had problems caused by Vector.


I have no idea why customers are contributing still to this topic.

John has quite clearly stated that he has no use for Vector, despite having received a vast amount of support in the past for it.

That is his decision and I fear that no amount of further posts will change his mind.

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22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



the fixed airports are nothing to do with Pilot's who did not see it as their job to fix any airports

that might have had problems caused by Vector.


I have no idea why customers are contributing still to this topic.

John has quite clearly stated that he has no use for Vector, despite having received a vast amount of support in the past for it.

That is his decision and I fear that no amount of further posts will change his mind.

I don't really understand what your point is.  I suppose you didn't like my criticism.


When you say that John has no use for Vector, does that mean ORBX will no longer support it?


It doesn't matter to me who added the fixed airports.  I just think that users should have been told about it as these scenery BGLs can cause conflicts.  It took me a while to find out that a BGL in this directory was interfering with my KABQ scenery because I had disabled KABQ in the configuration tool.


Personally, I think FTX Vector is a great product overall.



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