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TE GB South sp1 20 fps decrease near london city central?

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Just more or less confirming things, as i think maybe others have experienced this.  Since updating to sp1, my frame rate near london city has gone from around 60 fps (on my xp11.32 system with some tweaking, at 4k 2D resolutions, 2ssa, high objects), down to about 38 fps or 40ish.

I realize some enhancements were made such as PBR, which are probably why this value has dropped on my system, but at the same time it was reported that there were performance increases.


I guess it depends on many variables?  Near the outskirts of the area i'm experiencing the same frame rate and good performance.  

My system is an 8700k at 5.1 with the 1080ti gpu.


Thanks in advance for any input 


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18 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


is this a problem?

I would be very pleased to see 40 fps anywhere in the TEGB area.


I guess its not technically a "problem" but it does affect VR performance being that low.  What would be better is if there is a way to turn off some of the enhancements that were added to sp1 if in fact this is really whats causing the decrease.. a 20 fps decrease isnt insignificant either i dont think.

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if your getting 60fps at 4k with your rig, consider yourself lucky.

Only other option I have is scenery at maximum but I' getting not even close at your fps at 3440x1440, mostly they are around 30-40.

8700K@5ghz and a asus strix 1080ti.

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SP1 is definitely heavier on performance, it is just more noticeable where there are lots of custom objects (London).

I have lost about 25% performance. It may be related to the CPU doing more work rather than the GPU and since I am already slightly bottlenecked there any heavier load on CPU has noticeable drop in performance.

I can mitigate somewhat by  lessening the load on the CPU in graphic settings though of course that is not ideal - unfortunately all the lovely eye candy and bells and whistles SP1 comes with has a performance cost but only noticeably in built up areas or VFR flying.

Xplane Vulkan cannot come soon enough

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was able to restore the pre-sp1 version i had backed up.. got back the performance, because otherwise, especially near london city central, vr was impossible.


I also checked gpuz.. with sp1 at high objects, my 1080ti's 8gb ram was exceeded.. roughly 8100MB.. so i tried lowering to medium objects.. that took care of the ram but the gpu was pegged at 99% most of the time.


When i went back to pre-sp1, i put objects on high again.. vram was only at 6200mb and the gpu varied between 75-85%.

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14 hours ago, theskyisthelimit99 said:

I was able to restore the pre-sp1 version i had backed up.. got back the performance, because otherwise, especially near london city central, vr was impossible.


I also checked gpuz.. with sp1 at high objects, my 1080ti's 8gb ram was exceeded.. roughly 8100MB.. so i tried lowering to medium objects.. that took care of the ram but the gpu was pegged at 99% most of the time.


When i went back to pre-sp1, i put objects on high again.. vram was only at 6200mb and the gpu varied between 75-85%.


The 1080Ti has 11Gb Vram though.

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