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Ketchikan Airport Elevation issues


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I have just installed Ketchikan airport (PAKT) but the aircraft and AI aircraft are below the runway and airport as seen in the pictures below.  I have Pacific Fjords installed as well because it was recommended when I purchased Ketchikan. There seems to be another Orbx airport, pretty standard but clearly Orbx non the less present whenever uninstall PAKT. I have ran the Vector elevation correction tool with no effect. I've also tried to manually remove PAKT but it isn't listed. Any help will be appreciated Thanks 




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Thanks Bob


I can't see anything obvious, other than normally we put all non Orbx 3rd party addons at the top of the scenery library above the FTX entries, but not sure it will have any effect on your PAKT, but worth a try, you can adjust the insertion points in FTXC3 as per the below instructions.



But I would also do a search in your P3D folder for PAKT.bgl files and post the list here so we can have look for any duplicates.

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Thanks again,


I have moved every non ORBX 3rd party addon above the FTX entries but I did it within the sim and it doesn't appear to have changed in the cfg. It has however changed in FTX central where I have now set FTX entries insertion point to below my last non ORBX 3rd party addons and Open LC set to just below FTX entries..

I ran the simple airport scanner tool and found over 4000 multiple bgl entries within ORBX product as seen in the picture below. Just wondering if this is normal. The scanner also listed a multiple entry for Pakt as seen in the picture below, however, they do appear to be different items to me. Please advice, should I delete one and if yes which please.   



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28 minutes ago, Bobhoover said:

should I delete one and if yes which please.   


No need to delete, just add .off after the .bgl so the end of the item reads".bgl.off" for the item you have highlighted in blue first (#0174), this will deactivate it so you can test. Then if need be reactivate it and deactivate the other.

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please don't delete or rename any files.

Using Simple Airport scanner is only introducing confusion because it is picking up

Vector files which are not relevant here.


Set your control panel like this:




If you then make a search for PAKT in the ORBX folder, you should find  these 41 files.




There are a further three in scenery\world\scenery




There must be no other PAKT files anywhere else.


Choose 1 from the P3D v4 go to airport menu and you will be placed here.




and your airport will look like this



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Hello again Nick,

I was extremely hopeful that would fix it but it unfortunately didn't.

I have the 41 files in the ORBX folder PAKT search. The only difference is with the order in mine, I'm not sure if this is relevant. I also have the 3 files in the world section and no other PAKT files have been located anywhere else. I have also modified the control panel as instructed but the result is still exactly the same. The problem I'm sure is somewhere within PAKT as the only time I've managed to get aircrafts on the correct elevation has been when I uninstall PAKT. I've tried to uninstall and re install as well with no joy. 

Pakt control panel.png

Orbx search 1.png

Orbx search 2.png

Orbx search 3.png


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This is interesting. Its very clear there are 2 airports on this very spot. one above and the other below and for some reason the one below that seems to have the incorrect elevation is the one I spawn on. Pictures below show the same spot, first is above and second is just below where I spawn. The Jetway I believe is generated by GSX  

spot 1above.png

spot 2 below.png

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I think, since it is the only difference between yours and mine, that GSX is doing this to you.


The Orbx airport is a very special one.

As you see, it is built on a model that allows it to have the split levels.


I suspect that GSX is choosing another level for its added jetway and separating the two parts of the Orbx airport.

You are not seeing two airports at all but one, broken in half.


Can you try undoing whatever you did to this airport with GSX and see if it returns to working as its developer intended.


I have even tried using your scenery.cfg file and mine still looks the same as I showed you.

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Try the other control panel setting please and if you are still underground

and loading at this airport from a saved flight, try loading there using the scenario page.

In either event, you should be able to use the Y key and then F3 to raise the aircraft above the model and

then F1 to put the aircraft back down on the model.

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so the slew and drop down worked and I was able to take off and land on the correct elevation. however the ai aircraft is still underground. I was also back underground when I re started P3D. I can live with taking off from pakt using this tweak but the trouble is I cant depart from a different airport and land here 


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I have shown you the files.

I have demonstrated that there is nothing wrong with the product.

I don't understand your comment about not being able to land from another location,

if you can place the aircraft on the model with the Y key, then your aircraft will not fall

through the model if you land on it.


You can see the GSX jetway at the wrong lower level in your image and how it has pulled all the airport objects down with it,

no doubt AI as well.


spot 2 below.png


Here they all are where the developer put them.

As you can see, the same objects, not a second set from another airport.



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the picture you're referring to was taken with gsx turned on. you can see no jetway present in the other picture after i turned it off


My comment about not being able to land on it meant I wouldn't be able to use the slew tweak on this airport if I haven't taken off from it. I may have to load the pakt airport first, slew to the surface then load back to my departure airport just so pakt can be on the correct elevation for landing


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As I mentioned, I don't know how GSX2 works but it would make sense, because it adds jetways

for its parking positions to be on the same level as those jetways wouldn't it?


In GSX, the only version I have, the level of what it adds can be adjusted.

GSX takes the airport elevation from ADE_FTX_PFJ_PAKT_Ketchikan_Intl.BGL

If you can adjust the added jetway, see if that can be raised to the same level as the model.




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This is very frustrating. It really isn't ideal but I guess I can live with that, the trouble is I still wouldn't be able to land here because I wouldn't be able to use the loaded saved flight would I? I would have to load a flight from a departure airport then strange things would happen on the runway when I arrive here at PAKT.

I'm very happy to exchange this airport for any other of same value please. I'm happy to use default PAKT scenery at this point. Can we do that please?

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Have you actually tried landing there from somewhere else?

So far, you seem to be saying that if your start at the airport,

then the aircraft is underground.

You agree that if you raise the aircraft up onto the surface, it does not fall through.

Are you also suggesting that if you land there and then taxi,

the aircraft goes under the surface or are you making an assumption?


If you want to try for an exchange, please submit a support ticket.

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I have landed successfully there but this was from this airport after I've had to use slew to get aircraft above the model First, and considering the fact that half of the model remained below (all ai and other models). I assume landing here without having to slew to the top first would result to the same effect as loading straight onto the runway or parking position which as always been below the model. I'll try and land here from a different location and see how that'll go. Its such a shame because I specifically wanted the uniqueness  of this airport that I didn't hesitate to pick up the Pacific  Fjords as well as it was listed as prerequisite 

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