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"Extreme weather"

Nick Cooper

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34 minutes ago, Benny said:

Where is the snow?

come on nick and explain to a french guy what ---A barrel being scraped for a picture---

You UK people :D


Our UK press just love to tell us how bad it is and you can see in the picture just how bad it really is (not). :)

"Scraping the barrel" means trying to make something out of nothing.

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A lot of the media is run by fairly young folk, and it is likely that they have never seen real snow in the UK, so any snowfall is a big event. It happens so infrequently these days that a lot of public services don't know how to deal with it. in my younger days in the 50s if the school bus didn't turn up we'd walk the 2 or 3 miles to school in the snow, and make the most of it. Health and Safety nowadays don't even let you sweep the snow outside your home as someone may slip and sue :huh:.


Rob, in High Wycombe UK, and I've just swept a bit of snow from my front path.

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Our UK press just love to tell us how bad it is and you can see in the picture just how bad it really is (not). :)

That looks like every road on the valley floor of the European Alps at winter, before you even get up to the ski resorts at altitude - this really is a nothing event.

22 minutes ago, jonesrob said:

A lot of the media is run by fairly young folk, and it is likely that they have never seen real snow in the UK, so any snowfall is a big event. It happens so infrequently these days that a lot of public services don't know how to deal with it.

Very likely.
It's such an infrequent occurrence to get more than a centimetre or two of snow in the UK on anywhere other than on high ground, that makes it hard to keep people's skills up and knowledge current to deal with it. So we end up flailing around for a few days to a week every other year.

49 minutes ago, flying_fish said:

Image result for devon haldon hill snow

We were trapped in Devon Yesterday!! Remember this Nick?


Trapped? That's nothing a set of snow chains couldn't fix.
But as I said above, it's rare to have more than a centimetre or two of snow in the UK on anywhere other than on high ground.
The main road to the right of your picture looks in rather good condition. 


@Benny Your photo looks amazing, but I know I couldn't deal with that much snow for months and months.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to "Extreme weather"
3 hours ago, Benny said:

There you go Nick, just for you, taken 5 min ago



Looks like my backyard , next week here our first cold weather of the season hits . 0 F at night , 20 F in the day .



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You guys are talking about Snow and Cold meanwhile Australia and New Zealand have had the hottest summer on record. When it is cold you can put something on and you are warm, when it is hot you can take everything off and it is still hot.


For us Fires are imminent at this point and I am not looking forward to that. 

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"Well, for goodness' sake," he pauses to spit into the wind, "when I was a boy, we had real snow. The flakes were big as pie-plates and they came down steady from December through February." He pauses again to remember the good old days more clearly. "When it came time to dig out, it took a crew of twenty men just to uncover a chicken coop. And when they finally plowed the roads, they'd find whole lost herds of commuters frozen in huddled packs. These kids today, they don't know what snow is. Why I remember a time..."  :lol:

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3 hours ago, Matthew Kane said:

You guys are talking about Snow and Cold meanwhile Australia and New Zealand have had the hottest summer on record. 


I have seen that in the news... crazy. Climate change I guess.


Check this image Matthew, taken last July.. this was our hottest summer since like.. ever


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On 2/2/2019 at 1:18 AM, Benny said:

And why not, me driving in a snowstorm last week :rolleyes:



LOL, have I no pictures to show, but i wouldnt call that a snostorm:p, hardly a snow breeze, in northern norway where i live we often drive in roads with 20 cm snow on road and 2 meter sight in front of the car, and that's not even a storm.. , this can be almost a dayly affair from december too april,, imagime that pluss insane cold tempratures and power blackout that somtimes can last very long..(one time for 2months)


Guess this is the reason i dont mind xplane one season only:p

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22 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

No snow here we had a little but cleared in the morning time. 

Here is a shot out of my office window about ten minutes ago 09.20.









 I really hope you are safe and managed to survive the terrible hardship evident in the pic. The sun must have been really dazzling !!!:D

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That's funny Nick... We had more snow than in that pic, and some of the moorland around here was inaccessible... for less than 24 hours.  It was great fun, and the kids were thrilled to have a day off. Nothing more than a chilly blip for a small part of the country, and certainly not extreme.

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Talking about extreme weather...we have 40+ degrees in areas of Aus, bushfires in Tasmania and Victoria, and a 100 year monsoonal flood event in Queensland with over 1metre of rainfall in the area in the last week.




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19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That Nick would shut down all of Atlanta for days! :lol:

You're right about that Jack. We moved to Alpharetta in 1992 and lived there for 13 winters. I remember well two of those winters where traffic came almost to a halt for several days. And there was never more than 1" of snow either time. But that's all behind me now. It's cooled down to 73F here in Florida as I write this. Maybe we'll be back to warmer weather tomorrow........:)

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1 hour ago, Triplane said:

You're right about that Jack. We moved to Alpharetta in 1992 and lived there for 13 winters. I remember well two of those winters where traffic came almost to a halt for several days. And there was never more than 1" of snow either time. But that's all behind me now. It's cooled down to 73F here in Florida as I write this. Maybe we'll be back to warmer weather tomorrow........:)

This year will be another without snow :( 

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On 2/2/2019 at 9:29 AM, Iain Emms said:

No snow here we had a little but cleared in the morning time. 

Here is a shot out of my office window about ten minutes ago 09.20.









One of my pet hates is the abundance of "road furniture" - the excessive use of signs and fences etc etc.


I'm curious, in your pic above, what purpose do those green fences serve? They look completely extraneous to me so what do they do, and are they really necessary?

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Yes being a Government building they stop cars parking too close to the building for obvious reasons I won't go into. 

They also assist people with walking disabilities to get up the low steps and into the building. 




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