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BUG report TEGB Central - Autogen mis-identifies larger Victorian terraces

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Just bought the UK central scenario with intention of replacing my existing ortho and autogen for VFR.


The autogen seems to identify large Victorian terraces as factories/some for of soviet housing block as shown below from pictures of Durham and Tynemouth.... Is there a way to fix this? Is immersion breaking to see factories in tourist hot spots. There are also major landmarks (including those at VRPs) missing - as is shown with no Durham Cathedral and Castle.













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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to BUG report TEGB Central - Autogen mis-identifies larger Victorian terraces

The TE GB scenery is based on automated processes using geo data and imagery.  It's the only way it can be produced for the price.  Suspension of disbelief is a must to enjoy the scenery, as individual checking across the landscape is obviously just not even remotely feasible.


However, missing POIs are of interest to the dev team, so you can contribute to POI posts such as this and hopefully your missing POI will appear in a future update:




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Hello, Thanks for that. Although I understand it won't be perfect, far from it, but other solutions, w2xp for example, do a much better job of auto-generation (for free, so price isn't an argument) and I presume understands from OS data that these are low density housing districts and as such doesn't put soviet style blocks where terraces should be. It seems to be doing it where there is a single large contiguous terrace of larger 3 story or more houses. In the NE this means more prestigious areas, which tend to also coincide with popular VFR destinations (due to the Victorians building such properties near castles, etc).


The scenery textures are great in true earth and all credit for it, but autogen would benefit from some work in this one regard.



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