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For Jack...and others...


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As requested...:)


First, the specs of my PC : Win X 64, I7 7700k @ 4.20GHz, 16Gb Ram, NVidia GeForce GTX 1080

My settings on P3Dv4.3 (I am very lazy for the 4.4...) :










REX SkyForce 3D settings :



PTA 2.63 with MattDavies-Dec18.ini (unmodified)


That's what it looks untouched :

Here, it's "Fair weather" because with ASP3Dv4 the weather this morning was clear, a little boring...



After that I love to play with Photoshop, Camera Raw, Nik Collection... Some changes, always lightly, on the contrast, brightness, colors, saturation, a little dodge and burn, a little Orton effect, light vignetting and sometimes special effects with Nik Collection. I made scripts so it doesn't take much time.  I don't use everything systematically... all this must remain subtle.


Edited picture for comparison :



That's all ! ;)






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To see the differences, click on it for the large format and switch from one to the other with the arrows. And there are some differences  : contrast, diffuse light, colors, sharpness, vignetting, but everything remains subtle ;)

An invisible retouch is a successful editing :lol:

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hmm - just my opinion, but i think when "photoshopped " images are posted they should be identified as such so as not to obfuscate the true capabilities of the orbx scenery, which is pretty spectacular without additional augmentation. I think this is especially important for the contest entries. Otherwise they are not true representations of the ORBX software.


What do you guys think?

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All this mystifies me!

Good luck to all of those who understand what to do and having some colour blindness doesn't me help either.

Being a dairy area here in Shepparton, the council have many large fibreglass cows in various colours around the area.

One at a major set of traffic lights is green but has "how now" written on it. 

A lot of shades of brown look green to me!

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