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Ain´t no mountain high enough


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Getting ready in Hong Kong Kai Tak - from the choice of the airline you may start to guess where we are flying today.



Here we climb out along the rivers near Guangzhou. 



Some hours later the Sichuan mountains come into view, ...



... as we cross the city of Chengdu. The worlds main reservations of the Great Panda are in the forests and mountains around, so it is no surprise they sell lots of related stuff at the airport.




Commonly unknown, but over 20000 ft high: Rongme Ngatra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rongme_Ngatra 



No good area for travelling - not today and not in the past.



Mt. Taxilanlung. Again unknown to me, and over 20.000 ft. 




Dagze and Lhasa in the valley next to Lhasa He river. Unfortunately with not much detail. The number of inhabitants of Lhasa was increased from about 20.000 in 1959 to approx. 500.000 today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lhasa_(prefecture-level_city) 



The Himalaya ahead. This is Kangchenjunga, the 3rd highest peak of the globe with 28.169 ft. Kangchenjunga was first climbed on 25 May 1955 by Joe Brown and George Band, who were part of a British expedition. They stopped short of the summit in accordance with the promise given to the Chogyal that the top of the mountain would remain intact. Every climber or climbing group that has reached the summit has followed this tradition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangchenjunga 


Under the left wingtip is Makalu (27.838 ft), under the left engine Mt. Everest. 



Not an official airway, I had to leave B345 and make a direct shortcut from RKZ to KIMTI. This resulted in a beautiful Everst crossing.






Aerosoft Lukla provides with photoscenery - and landclass errors around.



The Shishapangma massiv in the background. The "smallest" mountain of those higher than 8000 metres. 



Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal at 1356 m. Today it has approx. 1 - 1.5 mio inhabitants. The approach to the airport is very steep and tricky.



Annapurna, the next eight-thousander. It is in fact a group of mountains with 3 summits over 8000 m, and Annapurna 1 is one of the most dangerous mountains to climb. One of the rare mountains that have a feminine name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annapurna_Massif 



Turning away from the Himalaya...



... with Ganges river hiding under the clouds.



I had to descend in a holding, ...



... before landing softly in Delhi.






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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

An enthralling flight Gerold with mountains of interesting info about the mountains.:rolleyes:

Thank you Martyn. Writing this post gave me indeed more than just piles of information ;).


51 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was a sweet trip Gerold!  And man, those mountains, thanks for the narrative as I'd never have learned about them.

Thanks Jack. Some of these mountains are well-known enough, but discovering these small hills like Rongme Ngatra or Taxilanlung (both higher than the highest mountain of North America!) was a surprise to me. Flight simming is like school!


40 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thank you Iain.


39 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Great post Gerold!!!!!!!!!!! Got to see some parts of the flight sim world we rarely if every see!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks John. Even if we were to have a commercial flight in this area, it would be rare - as I left the shortest airways and even entered an individual waypoint over the Chinese / Nepalese border. This will stay a rare flight...!


35 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Gerold. What a super trip and narrative. Thank you.:)

Thank you Karl. A region that is impossible for trusty Mule air services: The ground level with more than 28.000 ft will not be well suited for their aircraft.


32 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

Awesome! A top notch trip report from the Himalayas. It looks better with more snow.

Does Aerosoft's Lukla cover the Everest area? Because it looks fairly good.

Thank you Lars. Not only for your comment here, but also for the inspiration by your recent Karakorum post. You made me create this routing!

I fear the photo add-on comes indeed from Aerosoft. And I hope we´ll see many POIs, temples, palaces and even this photoreal in OLC Asia, when it comes to us!

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:
  • WZZJmnY.jpg

You're approaching from the Chinese (Tibetan) side here. The peak directly left to the Everest ist the Lhotse (8516m), considered an eight thousander on its own.


2 hours ago, Stillwater said:


Fantastic image. The glacier that extends to the left of the starboard engine is the so called Western Cwm or Valley of Silence, that ends towards the Khumbu Icefall (shadowy area), the most difficult part of an Everest ascient. The ridge on the other (southern) side of the Cwm is the Nuptse (7861m).


2 hours ago, Stillwater said:


Thank you a lot for showing! I also wanted to do it, but I commited a rather embarrassing fault: I misjudged the time of sunset... :lol:

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6 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Thank you Lars. Not only for your comment here, but also for the inspiration by your recent Karakorum post. You made me create this routing!

I fear the photo add-on comes indeed from Aerosoft. And I hope we´ll see many POIs, temples, palaces and even this photoreal in OLC Asia, when it comes to us!

An honor, sir. I already have a Lufthansa Cargo round-the-world trip made up which will encompass passing over Everest - but that time with OLC Asia. :)

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42 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

You're approaching from the Chinese (Tibetan) side here. The peak directly left to the Everest ist the Lhotse (8516m), considered an eight thousander on its own.


Fantastic image. The glacier that extends to the left of the starboard engine is the so called Western Cwm or Valley of Silence, that ends towards the Khumbu Icefall (shadowy area), the most difficult part of an Everest ascient. The ridge on the other (southern) side of the Cwm is the Nuptse (7861m).

Thank you very much for the Lhotse addition, Lars - I just overlooked it! That make 6 eoght-thousanders in one flight! The Everest stories are always the most popular of all these mountains, with many books written about them. So I knew about the basecamp or the Khumbu icefall already when seeing it from the plane...


43 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

Thank you a lot for showing! I also wanted to do it, but I commited a rather embarrassing fault: I misjudged the time of sunset... :lol:

I "went on number safe" here, starting in Hong Kong in the morning - and then chasing the sunrise ;D.


39 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

An honor, sir. I already have a Lufthansa Cargo round-the-world trip made up which will encompass passing over Everest - but that time with OLC Asia. :)

That will be a great flight, I am sure. The only trouble is we have to wait for OLC Asia :o:'(...

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Blue-chip set of shots Gerold! :)

Thank you Adam!


17 hours ago, BradB said:

Top shelf shots Mr. Stillwater . :):D



Even from the top shelf of the Earth as such. I enjoyed this flight a lot!


13 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Just gobsmacking mate!

Thanks for the compliment, TT!


9 hours ago, andiflyit said:

Very good set Herr Gerold! Great shots of the mountain scenery. Which scenery is it at Delhi?

You are welcome, Andreas. Delhi is "just" FTX Global (Base & Vector), nothing else. Yes, I have a 3rd party scenery at Hongkong and Everest, sorry for that...


13 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Gerold, the word "spectacular" is precisely appropriate for this series. In every sense, these mountains are beyond the reach of most of humanity. Your flight over makes clear why. Spell-binding. Thanks!

These mountains look amazing - even in the sim, and even without special scenery like those created by Frank Dainese. I hope they get even better in OLC Asia.

I can not imagine seeing them in real life, neither from a plane nor from the ground. Somewhere you find your limit.

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10 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Wow. just seen this set and knocked out by it. Not a tube man myself but this makes me want to go try some again. great shots and great info! thanks, Gerold.

Thank you for watching & commenting Andy. I think there is no alternative to a tube when you want to go there, given the altitude of these hills... B)

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