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Let's leave Australia and head back to Singapore.


Catering at Gold Coast.



Time for the outside check!



Nose gear looks good.



Pitot tubes look free...



...as do those other ports...



The biggest danger for a pilot is to get run over by one of the ground vehicles.



Fan blades look like new.



The exhaust cone looks fit.



Main landing gear looks good.



Tail cone looks awesome.



Don't forget to have a look at the gear bays.





Time to get back into the plane!




Wait, Captain!



A successful pushback.



Lining up.



Positive rate - Gear up!





Climbing along the Gold Coast...







Couple o'miles further we reach Brisbane.





Just making sure the APU door is closed...



The landscape changes.



Making our way through Indonesia.



Borneo / Kalimantan abeam.



Ouch! Those anvils are right where we want to go.



That looks massive.



Cannot make out the magenta line in all this magenta...



We fly a curve to the east.



We should be about the last ones to get a landing clearance for a while.






The weather looks already a bit better, this 747 has no problem to taxi to the runway.






That's it, I hope you enjoyed the trip!

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What better way to travel and so interesting having the ramp tour around this magnificent airliner.

I like the detail on the landing gear but it is all so well done.

I have had some very exciting flights, with the thunderstorms, out of Singapore in the late afternoon on the way to Bangkok.

I am glad I was not on the flight though as knowing my luck I would have chose the short straw to go outside to check the APU door.

I don't usually take a thick jacket and thermal underwear when I visit the area.


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Thanks Lars, these ground shots brought back some great memories of working these jets.


Those landing gear in your shot are immaculate, you should see them in service, covered in thick black grease that gets everywhere.  The mechanics always over-lube the fittings.  And the ports on the starboard side are static ports, but you most likely already know that.


This was a brilliant flight Lars!


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18 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

What better way to travel and so interesting having the ramp tour around this magnificent airliner.

I like the detail on the landing gear but it is all so well done.

I have had some very exciting flights, with the thunderstorms, out of Singapore in the late afternoon on the way to Bangkok.

I am glad I was not on the flight though as knowing my luck I would have chose the short straw to go outside to check the APU door.

I don't usually take a thick jacket and thermal underwear when I visit the area.


Thank you Martyn for your comment.

I've heard that Singapore and Bangkok (Bangers?) both usually feature a thunderstorm in the afternoon.

Don't worry, we don't let our guests check the APU door. Because we're SIA and we're renowned for our service! I wouldn't vouch for Lufthansa though, or let alone one of those US carriers. :D;):lol:


17 hours ago, lauriebe said:

Excellent set and storyline.  Singers is one of my fave places.

Thank you Laurie, I'm glad that you like it!


17 hours ago, BradB said:

Tremendous post Lars !! .





Thank you John!


8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Lars, these ground shots brought back some great memories of working these jets.


Those landing gear in your shot are immaculate, you should see them in service, covered in thick black grease that gets everywhere.  The mechanics always over-lube the fittings.  And the ports on the starboard side are static ports, but you most likely already know that.


This was a brilliant flight Lars!


Thank you a lot for your insights as a mechanic! I'm happy that you liked it.

Yes I know these are static ports. The truth is that I wasn't sure anymore and I was too lazy to look it up. :unsure:


7 hours ago, Chunk said:

Spectacular set Lars!!! I loved the walk around, and the rest of flight. 

Thank you Chunk, that makes me happy.


5 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Good that you checked & maintained 9V-SVV in good shape for her next round.


Thank you for the great experience report, spicened with the afternoon weather at WSSS.

Thank you for your comment, Gerold. Sadly I found no translation for "sich die Klinke in die Hand geben". We really gave us the door handles in the hand, haha!

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Captain, this was such a satisfying set that words can't keep up. Loved the walkaround and careful check of key spots. Could hear the turbine whine of the climbout and all the sounds of retraction of flaps and gear as we rose. Appreciated the sound judgment that diverted us around the anvilheads. And was glad to get down ahead of the weather in time to make my connecting flight. What a fun trip! Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Captain, this was such a satisfying set that words can't keep up. Loved the walkaround and careful check of key spots. Could hear the turbine whine of the climbout and all the sounds of retraction of flaps and gear as we rose. Appreciated the sound judgment that diverted us around the anvilheads. And was glad to get down ahead of the weather in time to make my connecting flight. What a fun trip! Thanks!

Thank you very much for your kind words, Rodger. That's the best reward, that fellow flightsimmers like my screenshot reports and find such nice warm words. :)

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18 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Because we're SIA and we're renowned for our service! I wouldn't vouch for Lufthansa though



18 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Sadly I found no translation for "sich die Klinke in die Hand geben". We really gave us the door handles in the hand, haha!

Maybe in this case it is "the jokes"... :D!

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4 hours ago, Stillwater said:



Maybe in this case it is "the jokes"... :D!

That's it!


2 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

Very nice!

I really miss (the warmth of) Singapore.

Thank you, B!


1 hour ago, TerribleT said:

After viewing Gerold's night flight it was a contrasting experience to view your excellent captures!

Thank you for your comment! It makes a big difference in the overall mood of a journey indeed.


44 minutes ago, jean marc said:

Great views and narrative Lars - you demonstrate how amazing seems this big jet modelization

Thank you a lot, Jean Marc - I'm glad that you like my flight. I think it's really amazingly modelled, though PMDG is still overhyped imho.

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