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Transit Flight - Smithton (YSMI) to Wynyard (YWYY)


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RAAF requested the DC-2 to be moved to YWYY. So I got to do this little transit flight all alone during one of those bright and already bit cold fall mornings. What can I do - orders are orders...

01. Taking off

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02. Turning right to follow the coastline

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03. Sun is about to rise

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04. Wide angle of the wonderfull FTX terrain

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05. Colours are beautiful this time of morning

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06. Panel of the amazing DC-2 (see http://www.dc2-fs.com)

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07. The digital god created this world...

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08. The coastline looks so live and real

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09. Flying here is fun

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10. Can't get enough of this environment

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11. The coastline is turning - and since we follow the coastline...

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12. From another angle

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13. Descending for the approach

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14. Gear down - thumbs still up

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15. Close-up

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16. One more foot - that's it, see you next time

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Bloody good shots. Do you know what the yellow bands are for around the plane?

A long time ago, way back when the plane was devised and built the bands denoted

it was a prototype. ie, one of the first ones built.

Now file that away because I will be asking questions later.


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very very nice, what weather settings do you use, I have FEX and mornings are too green.


This set is with Orbx Koorby Clouds 2, Orbx Brown Water and November Skies. I don't know if mornings are like that in Australia, the sky theme is probably a bit overdone but looks ok :). My personal favorite is the Realistic Sky 3 taken from RL photos but it doesn't produce such dramatic screenshots.


I don't know if this has been talked before, but mayby the FTX team could work some RL looking FEX themes for Australia for each of the seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter, or even early spring, late spring etc. etc.). ;)

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