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From Day to Night - KSBA to KPSP in 4.4


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10 hours ago, carlosqr said:

What a beauty!!!

Look at that terrain!!!

You're so mean John! I don't have either one! :lol:

I have Palm Springs on my list for this sale, I'm so anxious for the 15th Dec to be over

Thanks Carlos , PSP is a must have .

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Oh wow!  There were terrific John!  I really enjoyed this show!

Thanks Jack !! .

8 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow John beautiful flight. Nice plane. Great shots.:)

Thanks Karl !! .

7 hours ago, adambar said:

Blue chip set there John, great job! :)

Thanks Adam !! .

4 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots.



Thanks Iain .

1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

You got your GPS working in 4.4, John, and it appears to work well!

Exciting shots, with numerous details, vibrant colours and a decent mesh...

Thanks Gerold , yes F1 is working now with 4.4 .

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22 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey John. Loved the moon shot specially. But then they are all winners. Thanks!

Thanks Roger , looks like my green grass up here will be gone by morning . :):o:angry::D



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