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The valley of the clueless


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Todays flight goes out of Nuremberg, ...



... passing Bamberg, ...


... Coburg, with the obvious and namegiving castle, ...


... and eastwards across Blankenstein/Saale.


Into Saxonia...


... across Chemnitz, ...


... and finally Dresden. Before Germany was reunited, this area was called "valley of the clueless", as the western TV stations could not reach this region. 
Though far away from England and France, and though the war was moreless decided, 60 percent of the city were destroyed in 4 bomb waves between Feb 13 and 15 1945. The number of killed inhabitants is unclear and the figures vary as per the sources. No doubt the 4 waves were infamous, as those people willing to help the injured from the fires and the previous attacks were the targets of the next raids. Lest we forget. Nowadays it is a tourist magnet with its beautiful (re-erected) old buildings. As an example read the story of the Frauenkirche: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dresden_Frauenkirche


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A wonderful set Gerold with a great combination of scenery and weather.

I have never heard Dresden called that before.

I read a book about the Dresden raids when I was about 12 and that book made me realise just how horrific and pointless conflict was and is.

We are now fighting a different war.

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21 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Stillwater. Thanks for the fine shots and the reminder. The Dresden firebombings reflected no credit on anyone and were controversial even as they took place. May history not repeat.

Thank you Rodger. I am sure we all here in the community share the same thoughts about that time.


21 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A wonderful set Gerold with a great combination of scenery and weather.

I have never heard Dresden called that before.

I read a book about the Dresden raids when I was about 12 and that book made me realise just how horrific and pointless conflict was and is.

We are now fighting a different war.

Thanks Martyn. "Das Tal der Ahnungslosen" it was named in German. Every time has its conflicts, what type ever.


21 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Good post Gerold. Lest we forget.

Thanks mate. Not much more to say.


17 hours ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots Gerold !! .



Thank you, John!


16 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Great shots Gerold. Love that plane, can't get mine to work in P3Dv4


I think about one week ago a native p3dv4 installer was released for the Lancair. Just look on this forum, avsim, flight1 or the rest of googles world.


16 hours ago, olderndirt said:

"The valley of the clueless" - has the makings of a political saga.

That sounds interesting... I am not sure if this had been done already...!


13 hours ago, adambar said:

Prime set of shots as always Gerold! :)

Thank you Adam!


13 hours ago, paulb said:

Good post Gerold! A useful reminder about the horrors of war.

I hope not too much, Paul. A little reminder would have been intended, but not too much to spoil the day.


5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was a nice set and narrative Gerold, I too never knew that.  I agree, we should never forget or repeat history.

Thank you Jack. The best we can do is learn from the past and be aware.

Or stay in the sim and fly under Dresden´s bridges :D!

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