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Gotta love yer grand kids

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4 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

My granddaughter asked me (looking me in the face):"Gramps how come you have so many "cracks" in your face?". Oh boy. Then my wonderful son said:" Yeah he looks like a Shar Pei doesn't he". Thanks son I love you too.:angry::lol::D 


Gotta love 'em! Thanks for sharing a classic. :lol:

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My grandson was visiting this week, can I go and jump on the bed grandad , yes . Anyway the next morning I was a wakened at 5am by Amazons Alexa 

saying “ don’t forget your walking stick grandad “ 


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2 hours ago, TopHeavy said:

My grandson was visiting this week, can I go and jump on the bed grandad , yes . Anyway the next morning I was a wakened at 5am by Amazons Alexa 

saying “ don’t forget your walking stick grandad “ 


Hey 'Top Heavy' how're things in Newcastle upon Tyne?  Have a half sister and (half) brother in law living there - all their lives actually.  We have same Dad, different Mothers

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Both grandsons were over Monday for a sleep over. We went and picked them up (two boys 8 and 4). On the way home my wife was engaging them in conversation, basically giving them the evenings itinerary, suggesting that they get their baths first, then ice cream along with a little bit of tv time ( the infamous PAW Patrol). The oldest immediately spoke up, “but Grammy, we can just start with the ice cream and tv, we really don’t need baths, we just took showers last Friday!” I chimed in, “makes sense to me.” I naturally got the look!


Just to clarify, I know that our son and daughter in law make sure the kids are clean. But one thing is for sure,  grand kids will say anything to try to throw you off! Not to mention,they feed me just the right info for my infamous one liners, then I get the infamous look. Isn’t being a grand parent fun. I say, “Give them chocolate before returning them home.” Works for me.

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Neither of my children have produced Grandchildren and they've never married.  I sometimes wonder what sort of example we were and if that's the result!


Talking about Newcastle, quite often I used to have to go there on business and I learned two things; Never ask directions.  The language is indecipherable and you end up more confused as to where you want to go than you were before.  And the other thing was to wear thermal underware and winter clothing 'cos its so cold up there even in mid summer.


Sunderland is even worse.  I've been there in mid summer, the sun shining brightly and walking on the very nice beach but having to wear all my clothing topped by a warm hat, scarf and heavy overcoat!


Us southerners!!!

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Hello John.

My brother in law also thinks that the air is too thin to breathe north of Watford and

does not visit. Personally I find that there are far too many people south of Watford

and now that I am not paid to do so, no longer visit.

Northumberland on the other hand, as the least densely populated county, is wonderful.

Vive la difference.

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Our grandson ("adopted" as such when he came here to Spokane as a freshman college student), recently got a job that requires him to travel all over the Pacific Northwest of America, plus to Alaska as far north as Fairbanks. Justin is originally from balmy Anaheim in southern, California. We spoiled him by buying him deep-winter clothing and bundling him up like a toddler before he headed up to Alaskan teen temperatures for the first time --  the moral to the story being that It's also fun to spoil grandkids when they re older.

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Quite a few years ago we had my grandson Chris, and my wife's grandson Seb over to stay for a week during the summer holidays. We had great fun. I would write spoof house rules for them, which of course had to be strictly obeyed. The incentive was:


If you're good you can watch the television...and if you're really, really good we'll let you turn it on!


Ho Ho!



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JohnY...talking about asking directions in Newcastle, did you hear about one of Tommy Cooper's favourite pranks. He'd be in a limo, being chauffered to the theatre for his show, when he'd ask his driver to stop. Tommy would wind down his window and ask the nearest pedestrien, "Excuse me, can you tell me where Acacia Avenue is?" "No, sorry" would be the reply. "Well, it's straight on, second on the left, then first right...carry on driver!"



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Yes, Tommy Cooper was a very funny man but I've a feeling that if I was watching him now I would be thinking; 'For goodness sake, get on with it man!'.  I think its to do with being old and short on patience these days.

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