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Back, after 4 weeks of travels...

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... and I am slowly taking up all the updates. Plus, I nearly forgot how to fly! At least I found the time for a little round in the Maule at Porta Westfalica. Sorry for not adjusting the Active Sky weather time and date properly.





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22 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Welcome back Gerold!  Really nice comparison shots of Orbx and RL!  I guess flying is not like the kid in your 3rd pic, huh! :D

Thank you Wakashi. At least my flying was on a higher level than the kid...


22 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Good to see you back Gerold.

Some wonderful comparison images here and I have neve noticed the u/c before.

Does the pilot realise he left it behind?

Thanks Martyn. Maybe it was a special way to reduce takeoff weight, before trying to land on some icefield or so.


21 hours ago, Jocko Flocko said:

That is so cool showing the side by side representations... :)

Thank you Jocko. I knew I had to do this comparison when EDVY was released. And I got the chance when one of my friends celebrated in the airfield restaurant...


20 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots. 



Thanks Iain.


19 hours ago, BradB said:

Welcome back stranger . :rolleyes:B):lol:



Oh yes, indeed nearly a stranger. With weeks of absence... I didn´t even touch my computer in that time, not to mention the throttle & stick...


19 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Really cool comparison shots! Welcome back!

Thank you Bermuda. 


15 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Great to see you back Gerold!  Nice shots and I hesitate to ask why that nose gear is there.  I'm hoping it isn't something like an incident in real life, a memorial or something?

Thanks Jack. There is no explanation given for the gear, it just captures attraction and costs 1 parking lot!


14 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Great to see that your holidays are over and you're finally back. B) Very impressive comparison shots.

Thank you Lars. Well, it was 2 weeks holiday and 2 weeks biz trip. And with some more material collected for 3 more comparison series... B)


13 hours ago, adambar said:

Welcome back Gerold,hope you had a great holiday! :)

Thanks Adam, I had. But is was too short... ;)


9 hours ago, paulb said:

Welcome back Gerold! I always like your comparison shots :)

Thank you Paul. As said above, I am prepared for more...


3 hours ago, boetie said:

Welcome "home" Gerold. Interesting shots. Any more?

Cheers Graeme :)

Thanks Graeme. No more from Porta, but from some other places, Orbx included...


1 hour ago, mikee said:

Beautiful Shots Gerold ! Welcome back :)

Thank you Mikee. Always a pleasure to be here!

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