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VR and videos

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Over the past few months I have considered getting a VR head set but now I am having my doubts. If have hear of people suffering a for of sea sickness after using them and after watching several videos made by people wearing VR headsets I have felt uneasy for about half an hour afterwards. 


As someone who has had experience as a real life pilot the amount of head movement to me is rather excessive. I was always taught that when in the airplane your head movement was from the right slowly across the windshield to the left then an instrument check but head movements with the headsets is so fast I find that my eyes/mind cannot keep up with it.

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Have not experienced using VR myself but if, as Aussieman points out the movement speed is excessive I'm not sure I'd be too quick to adopt the technique.  I base my opinion on real life IFR flying where rapid head movement can and does induce inner ear fluid movement.  This causes the inner ear to produce feedback that can lead to confusion, and a breakdown of the pilots scan.


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