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Less than 10 fps...

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Hi everybody,


I'm installing all my ORBX scenes on P3Dv4.2 and I have big problems with three scenes on PN: Darrington, Concrete and Orcas Island. Less than 10fps on each of them while on other scenes like Cairns (Australia) or Homer (Alaska), I'm over 40fps.
Could this come from a conflict with the Pacific Nothwest region?
I tried to uninstall and reinstall but nothing changes. I don't know what to do...

HELP ! :(





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This is normal for the dense scenery by multiple HD airports in the area.  Try what we all are using by lowering your FPS to 30, then 25, then 22.  Visually, the frame rate reduction will not have a negative impact. 


I like to watch the left-bottom corner of my monitor for smoothness.  If that is smooth, then your FPS settings are all you need to make the difference.


There are many articles on FPS on P3D forum and here.

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On ‎12‎.‎05‎.‎2018 at 3:48 PM, zinj said:

Thanks Lawrence Hickerson but it was only a problem with P3D settings. I am now at over 50 fps with all the settings on the right ... it's much better ! ;)


Would be nice if you could elaborate this a little bit further for other users...

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Sorry for the delay ...

I found on YouTube a video of someone called Q8Pilot who gives all the necessary settings. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epD8EHwBT5k) and thanks to him.
As I have a graphics card similar to his, the results are excellent.

For my setup: I7-7700K420Ghz, Asus TUF Z270 Mk2, Corsair LPX 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz, BeQuiet BN212 ATX 850W, Ventilo BeQuiet, GTX 1080-1.66 Ghz ddr5 8GB, Kingston HyperX Savage 480GB SSD, 2TB SATA 7200D, Windows 10 64bits

Glad if it can help someone.


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