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New P3Dv4.2 install - slow loading

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Hi There,

I have done a clean install of Win 10 and P3Dv4.2 today. When launching P3D it was taking less then a min to get to the Scenario screen and about 1 min to load the default scenario.

Following some tips I saw earlier (to avoid the two days of downloads I would have to endure otherwise) I had copied the Orbx folder to another drive before the reinstall. I then installed FTX Central and signed in. After that I copied the Orbx folder back into the root of P3Dv4 and relaunched FTX Central which detected that all my products were installed.


When launching the default scenario it still takes approx 1 min to load. HOWEVER, when I change to an Orbx airport (NZQN as it is close to home for me!) it takes just over a min to get through the Loading Terrain Data part, but then takes over 10 min to get through the Loading Auto-Generated Scenery part (70% - 80%)


I am wondering if I need to uninstall Global, Vectors and Trees and reinstall them because I read somewhere (can't find it now) that those three make some adjustments to default Auto-Gen that they would not have done with the file copy. Will that affect anything?


 I have no other add-ons of any description installed yet. Orbx is always my first add-on installed when rebuilding.





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though I cannot say if it the cause of your new problem, you do seem

to have overlooked several stages of the suggested process.

Here is the original topic.

I would suggest that you might rename the Versions folder and then reinstall the

libraries and all your products. FTX Central will only download the files that you overlooked.

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Thanks Nick,

That was the post I was looking for but somehow could not find (bookmarked now!!). Yes, I do seem to have missed a few steps so will go back and try again and hopefully remember to come back and update!





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