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Into the Capital...


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... of the Wilderness State we go today. Out of Friendly Beaches with a sporty plane... I love the look of these trees!


Here we go...


... over Freycinet Peninsula, ...


... and Maria Island...


... back to the main isle. Lovely visibility.


At least Hobarts airports are still there.


A little detour over Bridgewater...


... and down the Derwent, ...


... before working into YMHB.


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Wonderful set Gerold...really like that red dash in the plane, and also, that one shot of the waves breaking on the shore...that is an amazing shot! Are the waves in that shot animated, or is that a photoreal covered area?

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3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Wonderful set Gerold...really like that red dash in the plane, and also, that one shot of the waves breaking on the shore...that is an amazing shot! Are the waves in that shot animated, or is that a photoreal covered area?

Thanks, Landon, indeed the views make a great experience.

One of the shots is entirely photoreal, but all waves are animated :D.


2 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Gerold! I enjoyed your flight :)

Thank you, Paul!


1 hour ago, dolf8857 said:

Awesome shots Gerold, that coastline one is stunning!

Thank you, Dolf. The experience in p3dv4 is a real pleasure.


33 minutes ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots Gerold . :):)



Thanks, John!

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11 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I love these Gerold!  Yellow, a nice bridge, and all around sweet shots!

I knew this post would be good for your mood...!


7 hours ago, adambar said:

Beautiful set of shots Gerold! :)

Thanks, Adam!


9 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful flight Gerold with some very realistic looking water.;)

I like the add ons around Hobart too.:D

With UNFORTUNATELY realistic looking weather. We are in high summer and still the coast is full of clouds!

The add-ons have been created by @teecee some years ago, and we can not be sure the (freeware) libraries still work in 64 bit. I´m happily testing it!

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