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Down the dream coast


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Getting out of St. Helens at Tasmanias east coast. This needs to become a low & slow flight, and the choice of plane was clear.


Turning south along the beaches.


This is how the beaches and St. Helens Island look from the ground.


Hendersons Lagoon and the way down to Mt. Elephant pass.


Bicheno, a good place to stop if you come along by car...


... but we went on to Cape Tourville Lighthouse ...


... and Wineglass Bay. Breathtaking "fresh" water, and a breathtaking view.



Turned back inland over Moulting Lagoon...



... and into final towards Friendly Beaches International, Rwy 8C.



The runway signs are quite individual here...



... and the main terminal is well done in OZx!



PS: If you like the routing...:


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16 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent Gerold! I like the way that you mixed real life with the screenshots! :)

Thnak you Paul. These mixes need some kind of preparation already during travel... B)!


15 hours ago, teecee said:

Always love it when you do this comparative flight.. great stuff mate..Teecee.

Thanks, Terry. You know I love these comparisons, they add both to the pleasure of travelling and to the pleasure of simming.


15 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Nothing like a real world/sim world comparison to make one want to live in the best of both!  Looks like you live in both very nicely! :D

Thank you, Wakashi. There is even a third level: The pleasure of posting, which adds to the fun of the other two worlds!


13 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

I have to agree with everyone above Gerold, love the way you integrated real world shots into your screen captures from your simmed flight. What a great set and narration! More please! :) 

I´ll try to, Landon! But I can´t promise it´ll all be from Tasmania... -_-


13 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

Awesome, those comparison shots are brilliant, makes me want to revisit all my OZx strips and update them

Thanks Ken, both for watching and commenting.

I love to read your words - and even if your time (or the right to use libraries) for freeware is to limited, there would be some demand for commercial work...


12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wow, that was great Gerold, when I saw the first real photoI thought it was Orbx for a minute.  Another superb nice mix of real and Orbx.

Thank you Jack. You mean the NatureFlow in #3? It is all Orbx, just with the sliders maxed until they hit my neighbors house. Unfortunately my sim turns into a slideshow then, so I can´t use that mode for flying :D!

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