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Collecting the remaining birthday cakes


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This seems to be a perfect day to fly from Wynyard to Devonport: @Ken Hall must have finished yesterdays birthday party, and Martyn is also on the way.

So let´s go!



Climbing out of Wynyard...



... looks so great from the cockpit in v4!



Burnie harbor, OZxed.





... and Devonport in the evening light.



I crossed this bridge in 2002 by car. Nice to have good memories caused by flight simming!



YDPO International airport, upgraded by Flukey on OZx. http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5983-ozx-ydpo-devonport/



Turning into base over Port Sorell, where presumably the big party was held yesterday...


... and here we are.


Waiting for Martyn. I have some Ibuprofen at hands, in case the meeting gets fruitful.



Not a spectacular view here, but I like the shadows on the wall!


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Glorious images Gerold from a part of the world I visited several times in the 80s when my brother lived there.

The scenery looks so much better in V4

I have actually flown from Wynyard to Devonport in my namesake SAAB in it's Kendell days, obviously at not a great height. 

I hope you were not late for Ken's party.:)

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4 hours ago, paulb said:

A great flight and detail Gerold! :) The extent of the shadows in v4 is excellent!

Yes, Paul, sometimes overwhelming if you have the past in mind!


3 hours ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots my friend , say hello to that most liked person on the planet ; well at least here on the forum - Martyn VH-KDK . :):rolleyes:B):D



Great to meet him from time to time. But that is difficult, he´s a real global traveller!


2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

There are some really nice shots here Gerold, and I am enjoying that livery more and more. Has some nice coloring to it. Lots of good lighting and shadowing shots here. Looks great!

Thanks Landon. Indeed the dynamic lighting system and the shadows are well worth the efforts.


47 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Glorious images Gerold from a part of the world I visited several times in the 80s when my brother lived there.

The scenery looks so much better in V4

I have actually flown from Wynyard to Devonport in my namesake SAAB in it's Kendell days, obviously at not a great height. 

I hope you were not late for Ken's party.:)

Unfortunately Ken had not introduced PartyFlow yet. But I am pleased enough to see your memories coming up, VH-KDK!

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10 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice ones Gerold but why would you need ibuprofen if you met Martyn?  Nevermind...:P:lol:

Thanks, Jack. And if two old simmers meet near a good source of Cascade, it seems wise to have precautions for the next morning :blink::D!


8 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Some highly detailed shadows in those pics, they say that is what makes a good artist, knowing how to use light and shadow, so you must be a good artist! :D

Too kind words, Roger: p3d is doing most of the magic, on the basis of some good sceneries!

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1 hour ago, bernd1151 said:

Great flight, Gerold. Although I can tell you from experience that Ibu might not be the wisest of choices  :D

Thanks Bernd! If ever possible I trust Ibu - as much I I trust the people who have invented it and who are making most of it (maybe you also know some of them).

Your current location sounds interesting, is it temporary or have you moved?

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10 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Your current location sounds interesting, is it temporary or have you moved?

That's for one more week. Then I'll be for a bit over two weeks in Manila. By mid of Feb. I'll be back in the Fatherland ;)

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11 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

That's for one more week. Then I'll be for a bit over two weeks in Manila. By mid of Feb. I'll be back in the Fatherland ;)

Enjoy that place, have a crab for me and some chicken rice, along with the required cocktails!


31 minutes ago, Doc Scott said:

+1 !!!


Thank you, Scott!

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52 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

super shots, Party Flow sounds good,  all jump into an online flight one night,use either skype or teamspeak, byo drinks

:D, the byo drinks are prepared, and maybe PartyFlow will be included in AUv2 if we all support this B)!

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