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Oh dear, more toys for the hangar . . .


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Been at it again. These at least are mostly freeware (or free upgrades), but I've also been to the Carenado sale (maybe later). First, a rather nice RB-50. Had one before that was fairly obviously an FS9 or earlier port, but this one is native for P3D





and then I discovered that Virtavia had issued a P3D upgrade for the B-29 (which had been one of the models that wouldn't fly in V4) -



and a similar upgrade for the GlowingHeat B-58 -



So far, so military. Then I found a Convair 880. Bit finicky, and the interior is best avoided, but you can get her up in the air in v3 at least, and I always figured - "if it's good enough for Elvis . . ."



Another slightly wobbly one is this Blackburn Beverley



And this is the Project Airbus A319, which seems happy in v4



As does this Falcon 50



And these two trainers are specifically for P3Dv4 - Fouga Magister & Zephyr. Magister first -



And the Zephyr is apparently just the Navy version of the same plane



Staying with the Gallic theme, meet the Vatour



And a nice Mystere IV



To finish, sorry, I mean Swedish, a nice Draken



Oh yeah, and then there is this guy. A working (but not in V4) skydiver. Take off in a plane of your choice, fly somwhere, change aircraft to this guy and then guide him down. Open the chute when you're ready.







Not someone you'd probably want to meet, and not as smooth as the Dude!





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What an amazing array of aircraft Andy.

I thought I had it bad when it comes to collecting but you are in a league of your own.

So many top class views of some excellent planes not forgetting the sky diver at the end.

Finnish not Swedish........:lol::lol::lol:

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3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

something is just not quite right about him

Cheers Sniper. The other pix are of the "stealth" skydiver, but that last one is his civilian outfit - I think the headband is the giveaway! (Oh, and welcome back to the virtual skies!)


3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I thought I had it bad when it comes to collecting but you are in a league of your own

Hi Martyn, well, I reckon between us we've probably got a significant proportion of all the odds and ends that have ever been flung skyward. Must be all those wasted years with those Observers' books. I do like being able to read about an aircraft in a book or magazine and think - "hmm, I've got one of those - I think I'll take it out for a spin"


3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of shots of allsorts of aircraft and the sky diver as well all super shots regards stewart

Cheers Stewart. Shame the skydiver doesn't do v4, but I'll be keeping v3 around for such creatures for a while yet. After all, I've still got my Batmobile to try out yet, and I can't believe that'll run in v4.


2 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Wow, what a collection. And great to know that the number of planes (even freeware) that is being converted to v4 gets longer. I hope that one day also the Captain Sim planes will be upgraded. 

Cheers, Bernd, and I'm so with you on that one. I actually upgraded my CS Hercules recently and bought the "complete experience" package as it was in a sale and I thought that it might stand me in good ground if they do ever get it upgraded.


57 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

You certainly have a nice collection of aircraft, nice shots of them.

Thanks John. I've certainly got way more than is reasonable or rational, but hey . . .


44 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

What a hangar, must be difficult to keep the cobwebs away from all that stuff/anything.

Think of that scene at the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and you're getting the right idea, Gerold <grin>

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