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Viewing at Mordor like the eagles do


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Leving Auckland in the default Mooney...


... the Shire looks really green, as it should.


But weather is getting darker soon...


... and the earth is so hot that it evolves steam...



... and suddenly the ground looks as we expect Mordor to look.



Mt. Doom. Let´s drop the Ring here, much easier than walking!



And then... just drop westwards to New Plymouth!



@JimNZ, do you have a cold one at hands to refresh after this adventure?


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19 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great flight and shots Gerold, I can see why they chose those volcanos for Mordor.

Probably the movie set designers have been great orbx fans... oh, it was the other way round?!


18 hours ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots from the NI Gerold . :):)



Thanks John. A spectacular area, indeed.


17 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of shots Gerold keep them coming my friend regards stewart

Not easy to find photoreal volcanoes like these, Stewart...!


14 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Spectacular flight Gerold with some marvellous scenery.

I enjoyed  it so much flying in your beautifully coloured Mooney that I screamed Blue Mordor when it finished.:wacko:

I knew you like the color, my precious!


13 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wonderful Gerold, my favorite novel of all time.

... and the movies are not that bad either. Thanks, Jack!


9 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Very nice indeed Gerlod. I saw Gollum looking up and trying to catch that ring.:D

Not with me, I am a fast Mooney flyer!


2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots indeed 



Thanks, Iain!

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 Gerrold, as the grandkids say these days 'Awesome', and these really are awesome.  Wonderful to see my home city and area covered so beautifully and exact.


For your info Gerold, Maori legend has it, that Mt Taranaki (8,263ft)used to live in the middle of the North Island beside Mt Ruapehu famous Whakapapa ski field), Mt Ngauruhoe(6,500ft) and Mt Tongariro(6000ft).

One day they had an argument and kicked Mt Taranaki out (Volcano it translated too) so Mt Taranaki now lives  right on the coast of the West Coast.  It a straight line about 80 miles away from the other three.


That's why, not so much today compared even just 20 years ago, you will see towns like Waitara to the North of the mountain and Patea to the south have mainly Maori populations as they believe one day peace will be made and Mt Taranaki will move back to the other three.



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14 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Doggone it! These captures are some of the most engaging I've seen!

Haha, thanks, Bermuda, for the motivating comment!


9 hours ago, JimNZ said:

For your info Gerold, Maori legend has it, that Mt Taranaki (8,263ft)used to live in the middle of the North Island beside Mt Ruapehu famous Whakapapa ski field), Mt Ngauruhoe(6,500ft) and Mt Tongariro(6000ft).

One day they had an argument and kicked Mt Taranaki out (Volcano it translated too) so Mt Taranaki now lives  right on the coast of the West Coast.  It a straight line about 80 miles away from the other three.

That's why, not so much today compared even just 20 years ago, you will see towns like Waitara to the North of the mountain and Patea to the south have mainly Maori populations as they believe one day peace will be made and Mt Taranaki will move back to the other three.


Thank you so much for your time to watch & comment here, Jim. I hope you really have a good time with your kids over the holidays!

I love it when someone is in a position to tell me the truth behind these geographic features. Though I doubt we will see Taranaki become reunited with Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Tongariro in our lifespans.

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