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Gaining confidence, slowly...


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Still my system drives me somehow crazy with P3D, I frequently get no menus but only an additional cockpit view window. Which brings usability to zero. Deleting all dll.xmls or shaders does not help, but frequent switching between full screen view / window view / other program windows. I suspect it has something to do with my computer / GPU settings...


The lack of reliability / confidence keeps me a bit off installing any other stuff than the (convenient) Orbx one. So my test flights go with Orbx only, not even REX, weather, traffic, planes. Here we go from Munich EDDM...


... over the Erding plains ...


... and the Fußballstadion, ...


... to Moosach, where one of my daughters lives.


Around the Olympic Park...



... Schwabing, the Englischer Garten, LMU and the Victory Gate...


... yes, the Victory Gate...


... towards the city center and the Deutsches Museum on an Isar island.


Indeed the town hall looks impressive.


Let´s head south across Grünwald and the 1860´s football stadium...


... and entering the Alps at the Walchensee.


Crossed a first pass at the Zirler Berg...


... with a first view into the Inntal.


Take the right crossroad to avoid the toll road and get onto the B171...





Approach under control...



... totally.



Quite impressing views in this scenery...



... and surely I will compare it to my RL shots later...!


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I just hope that you can get P3D running to your liking Gerold.

I have problems with Central but I am leaving it as it is at the moment as it only affects FSX which I run for OZx, it just means that I am unable to open Central in FSX and install the rest of the ORBX Australian airports. There is a fix but I don't have the confidence to tackle the problem being too afraid of completely messing everything up!:lol:


Glorious series of images from your home country and I like the RL photos with the beautiful architecture.:)

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I wonder why some people have problems and others don't?  I wish I could help Gerold, and despite the bad first one all the rest are really good!  I always love your unique mix of real and sim, this is what I love about this place, so many talents.  I hope you get it all worked out soon.

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22 hours ago, BradB said:

Interesting thing about your pull down menu's , I always have run P3D in windowed mode . Anyway these shots look fantastic Gerold , its all about the baby steps my friend . :):)



Thanks for your comment, John. For me the baby steps last long currently, no matter if windowed or full mode... but test flights like these show enough touch of potential in p3d...


22 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I just hope that you can get P3D running to your liking Gerold.

I have problems with Central but I am leaving it as it is at the moment as it only affects FSX which I run for OZx, it just means that I am unable to open Central in FSX and install the rest of the ORBX Australian airports. There is a fix but I don't have the confidence to tackle the problem being too afraid of completely messing everything up!:lol:

Glorious series of images from your home country and I like the RL photos with the beautiful architecture.:)

Let us keep our fingers crossed that GPU drivers, p3d and FTXC make further progress, so that our problems can be overcome and all fits together.

Thanks for your compliment, mate, you know I always enhance my travels by taking pictures for these post series...


22 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Well done Gerold you screen shots look fantastic regards stewart

Thanks Stewart. Indeed the potential is there... ^_^


21 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I wonder why some people have problems and others don't?  I wish I could help Gerold, and despite the bad first one all the rest are really good!  I always love your unique mix of real and sim, this is what I love about this place, so many talents.  I hope you get it all worked out soon.

No worries Jack: I keep trying as soon as I get time enough. Heavy workload and RL travels kept me away this quarter, but holidays are ahead!


21 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Fantastic set of shots, Gerold  :) I hope you will solve your graphics probs.
With your shots, it's hardly to wait, for christmas ( GES )  ;)



C´mon Bluebear, give yourself a kich and get into GES sooner: Why wait for all the others to block the servers after christmas and get long download times?!

Plus: thanks for your kind words!


19 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super shots Gerold. I really enjoyed the flight,  Your the narrative and the scenery were great. 

Thanks you John. As you may guess, I have travelled this area & roads on the ground earlier this year.


19 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Champion set of shots and love the photos from Deutschland!

Thanks Bermuda. I have some more to join upcoming posts, be it Deutschland or Österreich...!


11 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent series of shots Gerold! :) I hope that you get P3Dv4 working properly. 

Thaks Paul, I´ll keep working on it!


10 hours ago, RichardLouis said:

Very interesting, thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the comment, Richard. Unfortunately I am not proceeding fast enough with p3d to install your great liveries - but there must be a way...!

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