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The serious business man...


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... was passing Nanaimo in search for bridges or tunnels. But no suitable ones to be seen.


Looks like something else here...




Totally serious.


Completed with a little CBD tour.


And spotting the good runway, with proper center line.



Any comments?

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19 hours ago, magic1 said:


Thanks magic! But it required some attempts, to be honest...


19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Dang dawg!  Dat was delightful!  Some pretty amazing flying Gerold, you win, I give up! :o

Thanky ou, Jack. Do not resign, mate, you will always be the original!


18 hours ago, BradB said:

Seriously Gerold , you are da man !! .



I tried my best to fly in the legendary Sawyer-style. Thank you for the compliment, John!


17 hours ago, lifejogger said:

That is pretty amazing Gerold!!!!!!!!!!

Like I said above: It required some trials. At least the Extra is pretty stable upside down.


16 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Brilliantly flown Gerold, you went very well prepared.;)

Now I know why they make the ro-ro ferries like that.:lol:

It is still FSX, Martyn.

Could there be any other purpose for those ferries to be depicted in the sim? She was moving fast btw, I had only a few minutes to try.


15 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

If this were a slower plane and the people could have seen the registration they would think the Germans have gone crazy!

I hope no one saw me or took a picture. Yellow plans upside down... who could be that?


15 hours ago, adambar said:

Gulp!  That is some fancy flying Gerold, great job! :)

"Gulp!" is a very appropriate comment here, Adam...:blink:!


11 hours ago, paulb said:

LOL! Well Gerold, with both you and John flying aerobatics in yellow planes, what is the world coming to? ;):lol:

Indeed, now it is not longer the classical crazy fliers from the new world, even the europeans are going mad.

5 hours ago, paulb said:

LOL! Jack :lol:. It reminds me of an old saying "Everyone in the world is mad apart from me and thee, and even thee is a bit odd" :D

Ah, now it looks better. So maybe not I went mad...:D


11 hours ago, Sammy H said:

I think I just got sick from being upside down too long, Lol

Wonderful set and some experienced flying there!

Flying upside down is not so awful. Rolling in the Extra gives you the sickness, and she rolls fast!

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Thanky ou, Jack. Do not resign, mate, you will always be the original!


1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

I tried my best to fly in the legendary Sawyer-style. Thank you for the compliment, John!


Gosh Gerold, thank you, your kind words make me feel good. ^_^

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