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Migrating birds, southbound


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The money ends fast here on Hamilton Island, so I have to proceed southwards.



Reaching the mainland over Mackay, ...


... just to see Hay Pt. Coal port, ...



...before making an intermediate stop at OZx´s Rockhampton.






... and watching the industrial zones of Gladstone. Lots of chinese ships exporting Australian goods from here...



... but I focus on other beauties of Australian industry. At Bundaberg. Guess what?


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Excellent set Gerold.

Plenty of interesting things to see down the east coast.:)

Make sure you keep your purchases from the distillery out of arms reach when flying as the temptation for a swig or three might get the better of you.:o

The money soon runs out everywhere in Oz.:angry:

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23 hours ago, Taph said:

Stopped to pick up a bottle :) Nice set

Indeed Taph. Some "fuel" for the onward travel.


21 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of screen shots Gerold you had a passenger the lady in the red dress regards stewart

So sorry Stewart, today she was at Benton with some other simmer.


21 hours ago, renault said:

Excellent set Gerold. Very nicely composed -- wish I was there actually!

I really enjoyed them



Oh yes Renault, this part of the (orbx/real) world looks inviting.


21 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Gerold.

Plenty of interesting things to see down the east coast.:)

Make sure you keep your purchases from the distillery out of arms reach when flying as the temptation for a swig or three might get the better of you.:o

The money soon runs out everywhere in Oz.:angry:

Thanks for your comments, Martyn, I am sure you are an expert in travelling there. Regards MoneyFlow speed, safety on board while storing the bottles or finding interesting sights on the coast. I´ll happily watch your advise here on the forum!


20 hours ago, paulb said:

First class set Gerold. Excellent storyline :)

Hmmm....what do they brew? Ginger beer? ;)

They do, Paul. But I don´t like the taste, prefer other stuff :blink:.


20 hours ago, BradB said:

Sensational shots Gerold !! .



Thanks John! Basically the kodos go to the scenery makers...!


14 hours ago, magic1 said:

Very nice!

Thank you, Magic!


14 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Another outstanding tour Gerold, very clear and high quality shots, I loved it!

I was indeed satisfied, too, Jack. And this is still FSX...

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