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ORBX DVD Products


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Back in 2013 I bought England scenery from Amazon...the package came in a sealed plastic envelope and I had to register the product with ORBX...... Low and behold I received several updates to this product before they moved to the new system of registration. When the system moved I advised ORBX that I had the DVD copy of the software - had received upgrades and now wished to re-register the product with them. At last they have a process in place to do this, and yes you have to pay for "their" review of your licence - I sent them my receipt - proof of purchase from Amazon and expected to receive my licence without difficulty? BIG MISTAKE and remember I paid for this review? ORBX refused to accept my receipt from Amazon. Apparently, and I have to be honest here the product came from a third party supplier - something I wasn't aware of at the time. Now remember this product had been accepted by ORBX for at least two to three years or more before they changed their rules.


I always thought that proof of purchase was a contract and so was acceptance under law. Anyway Furious I have contacted Amazon who are equally bemused by the attitude of ORBX?

I have at least eight other ORBX products so I have a history of buying and using ORBX over many years, to say this has soured my relationship would, to say the least, be an understatement.

I hope Amazon are as angry as I am.

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You have a DVD that installs into FSX and updates that we host here on the forums to bring it up to date. 

Not sure what you expect from a “contract”. I would have thought the EULA is clear. Transfer of licence is not allowed and I thought Amazon is a reseller of used goods. 

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Although you bought the product from Amazon, the supplier was another party that 

uses Amazon as a marketplace.

Is the supplier on the list of approved suppliers?

If it is, then you should amend your application, giving the name of the supplier, not the name of the

marketplace and the outcome might be different.

However, if the Amazon seller was the original purchaser and not one of the authorised resellers,

then the licence was issued to the original purchaser and cannot be transferred to anyone else.

This would apply whether the DVD had been used or not.

This policy is not unique to Orbx, in fact I am not aware of a transferable licence of any flight

simulator or other software products.


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