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Orbx Trees : Trees below ground level


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I just bought Orbx Trees and Vector and I've noticed an issue (that I believe is occuring only since I bought Vector but not too sure).

The trees are slightly below ground level, meaning that I can see the trees but only the "top" of them. I would say that their base is 3/4 below ground level.


Any solution?


Thanks for helping me,



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Do you mean the Orbx Libraries ? If so I don't have it installed, I don't know what is inside them actually. Should I install them?


I've joined a picture.


Thanks for your answer,



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Hi Kim, welcome to the forums


Yes, you need the Orbx Libraries installed, Orbx scenery does not work without them. Also, your screenshot is mostly showing the inside of an airplane, it would be more helpful if you could please post one from outside the aircraft with coordinates from the Shift+Z keys. :):)


But first, please review and apply the below procedure.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.

Finally Click on the "Clear Temp" button.

Then, if you have Vector installed, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, and check the Australia Add-Ons under the “Settings” tab, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.





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Hello, first of all thank you for answering me that quickly and with that much precision.

I have done exactly what you have asked, and unfortunately the problem seems to remain. Actually, I wonder if it's a problem or not (I attached few screenshots.) The trees are already amazing but as I said, I noticed that they were not "compelete" (the trunks are most likely missing on some tree models.) Anyways, to make sure I have all done correctly I've complete a step-by-step checklist:


- Orbx lib is now installed and up-to-date (no blue notification above settings - see screnshot "Sans titre 4.jpg" attached.)



- All my 3rd party addons are at the top of my library and ABOVE my FTX entries. (see screnshot "Sans titre 8.jpg")




- "FTX entries should be inserted below" is just below my last 3rd party airport (some libraries are below it makes no difference anyways, the airports are all above - see screenshot "Sans titre 8.jpg")




- "openLC entries should be inserted below" FTX is now checked, I had nothing before. (See "Sans titre 2.jpg")



- I ran the "Force migration" setup.

- I cleared the temp files.

- In the Vector configuration I disabled the frozen effect, I don't have Orbx Australia so it's unticked and I ran the Airport config tool. On the last part, since my library has a problem (the 'openLC entries should be inserted below' had nothing entered) it did correct many airports (including the one I took the first screenshot at, where, even if you see most likely the 737 cockpit, if you zoom on a tree you can see that he is cut out. The others attached screenshots are from the same airport AFTER the elevation correction being disabled by the auto-configuration - and ofc it doesn't only happen on this airport.)


So finally I've attached few screenshots where you can see the problem (if it's a problem.)

Let me know if it is really an issue or if it is the expected effect, and of course if you have any idea to solve it.


PS : A screenshot of my Vector library entries if that can help :



Thank you very much,









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 Well as you can see, the trees are not complete (last screen, upper right corner). But if it's the expected effect, then it's all fine.


Thank you for your great support,

Have a good day.


Best regards,


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Hi Kim


Thanks, and you are very welcome. :)  My apologies for not seeing anything wrong with the trees....but maybe if you could please provide coordinates from the Shift+Z keys, and also open the screenshot with windows paint and circle the portion of the tree that is not complete we could have a closer look.





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