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Ninilchik River and Deep Creek are both missing for me. I tried disabling much, if not all third-party software and ORBX files one by one. It appears the only way to make the rivers show up again are disabling the NA SA CVX files, and the global vector files, which restores small  rivers 


ORBX products I own are FTX global, Southern Alaska region, global vector, NA landclass, Europe landclass, Southern California region, and various region demos. 


As can be seen, the river beds are there, just not the river.

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Hi there,


thanks for the report, I've noted the missing creeks for the next SAK service pack; no specific time frame though, I'm afraid.


We use the US National Hydrography Dataset files to generate the water polygons for lakes and rivers. Looks like the two you mentioned are not classified as permanent watercourses.


Cheers, Holger




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