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What are the benefits of RAID 0 I have been doing a light prodding about it with uncle google and seem to find a lot of posts declaring the gains are minimal at best. care to refute this anyone??

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I have been running RAID0 for years since it first surfaced and there is a big improvement but you also need to do a few other tweaks to your OS. I have also been running the most dangerous RAID0 setup with no issues so even using that configuration you don't have to be scared of loosening anything if you backup all your crap to another spare HD despite what many say of the dangers it's all BS. Having said that if you don't maintain your system or careless and not willing to spend the time reading a tweaking your system then don't bother looking at RAID in any form that's my opinion on the subject.

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Speed but don't be lulled into thinking it is redundant as the name suggests because it isn't.

As }SkOrPn--7 has stated you have to be diligent in maintaining your system and unless your familiar with system management and the like you may well be ding your self a dis-service.

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Got a RAID-0 Windows 7 since last summer with no problems whatsoever. Speed increase is noticeable but nowhere near twice as much or anything that spectacular.

Make sure to install a third disk to make a system image from time to time. It takes only half an hour and can be a real life saver.

Best regards,

Juan Andres

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