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driver nightmare!!


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Hello guys!!

          I am having an extremely frustrating problem, At some point during any flight with any plane, my screen goes black for 2 seconds then when it returns the screen has a faint green tinge to it. When I exit flight sim, I get a message that the "display driver has stopped working and has recovered" The green tinge remains untill I restart the computer. I am running the nvidia driver. I have a BFG 285 gtx oc, vista home prem 64 bit. rest of my specs in my signature! I have also noticed that runway lights and oil stains are about a foot off the ground. I run it on a 46" lcd at 1920x1080 in fullscreen mode.

          Any help would be great as it is really starting to take the fun out of simming trying to chase problems!! Thank you in advance!!

                                                      Cheers: Rick

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Is this recent or since a driver update ? if it is a result of the latter I'd go back at least 1 or 2 steps in the driver version or at least back to the last one you used and stop worrying about it.

Yes I'll probly cop flack over this comment but that kinda happens around here some times I has always said that drivers for anything are sometimes very picky and are very often machine specific in there errant behavior.

I cannot run anything later than 186 without hassles and since there is no advantage contained in later versions I haven't bothered pursuing why I have errors.

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Hey guys,

          Thanks for the reply. I will try to roll back my driver as thie one im running now is as far as I know the newest one available. This did start after I installed the new driver, The old one was 9106. Anyone have a suggestion on a good driver for my card?

          Thanks for the advice guys! Top notch support here ;D

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Well Rick I'm afraid that pretty much says it all bud. Some people can and some people can't use the latest driver's .

Bloody annoying but part of tuning your PC for best performance for your given hardware.

Rolling back to your previous driver sounds like your best alternative and try the next edition from nVidia and if that fails then roll back to the last workable solution.

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Hey Maurice,

        Thanks for the reply. I did ifact roll back my drivers and......... so far so good!I have a few flights done now trouble free! I apreciate the time taken to toss up advice!!

        However, I still have an issue with oilstains and runway/taxiway lights hovering a foot or so off the ground ??? I suspect it has to do with rex and have posted a thread there to see if anyone else is having this issue.  Thanks again guys (tosses hot spot and Maurice a virtual beer!)

                                          Cheers: Rick

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