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Back into the new world


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After inspecting the last Norway purchases I now have to test all my recent North America ones. Which includes December sale, seems I haven´t been flying there for a while... So I took a United flight bringing me into LAX as a starting point.


Closing in to the big city area I was a bit confused by these bigger yellow areas all around. I think I had also seen texture mismatches around KEDW before. The second shot (near Santa Monica) shows the same phenomenon. I´ll check this later with a less demanding plane... (and also a bit lower & slower).


Turning into final over the Pacific...


... and getting the coast as well in sight as KLAX´s 4 runways.


We´re going for the 07R.


Touchdown. Followed by the OOM warning chime. But at least I could complete the flight...:)



And now we head for some smaller planes for VFR flying...

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On 18.6.2017 at 5:44 PM, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thanks, Iain!


On 18.6.2017 at 7:07 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Great flight Gerold, too bad on the OOM but you got to land at least.  I love that over water approach to LAX.

Thank you Jack. Unfortunately I do not have much time to fly currently, but this will hopefully come back soon...

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8 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Thank you Jack. Unfortunately I do not have much time to fly currently, but this will hopefully come back soon...

I feel your pain Gerold, I'm in the same boat.  Too much dumb real life nonsense to contend with.


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15 hours ago, adambar said:

Just in the nick of time before your OOM, geat job Gerold! :)

Thanks Adam. I am already satisfied when I get such a complex plane landed on such a complex airport. Keeping in mind that I did not turn down any sim settings before (like AI traffic).


15 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful sequence of views Gerold.

I am getting to the age when I frequently get OOM chimes in RL:o:lol::rolleyes:

Thank you Martyn. Perhaps you have to reduce the AI traffic in RL, too. Or increase the alcohol shader.


23 hours ago, BradB said:

Some day when your old and retired like some of around here Gerold , you will keep us all entertained with your screen shot artistry . :):D



That sounds like a good plan, John... but before that I will already enjoy what I see from others here!

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19 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Thank you Martyn. Perhaps you have to reduce the AI traffic in RL, too. Or increase the alcohol.

I would try to increase the alcohol but I can never remember where I hid the bottle!

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