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The new SSD king hath cometh! OCZ Vertex Turbo - 280MB/Sec

John Venema

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Not quite as fast as their new 500GB part, but at less than 25% of the price I'd be seriously looking at the OCZ 128GB Vertex Turbo as a dedicated FSX drive.

An excellent indepth review here: http://www.guru3d.com/article/ocz-vertex-turbo-ssd-review-test/7

It absolutely makes MINCEMEAT out of the Velociraptors, in both read and write.

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I am the proud owner of two 2nd gen 64Gb SSDs - one of the current gen ones would whip the pants off them I'm sure.

I replace drives when I do a new O/S install.  So I might wait until I'm ready to go Win7 - and see what the tech is like then.

128 Gb is a bit small for me for FSX, I'm afraid.  500Gb for AU$2500 is a little pricey.

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What about these new OCZ Z-Drive p84 PCI-Express SSD's.

"With an internal four-way RAID 0 configuration that enables up to 870MB/s read and 780MB/s write, the pushes the envelope in storage performance like no other solid state or hard disk solution."

That's over three times the results of the SATA drives.

Why are people not flooding to these? They even make them in 1Tb modules already, and that's not 4 x 256Gb modules bolted together, I believe.

Woops, just did a search, the 256Gb model is 2295 dollars, but even so, will this be the way of the future for drives, via the PCI-Express slot?


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Trouble is no bugger will allow you to try before you buy to actually see if there is a performance increase before outlaying the $$$  to rich for me at the moment. 5 Years I have no doubt that SSD's will be the norm and we will still be bitching about speed.

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What we need is a flash forward to see which way to go.....

We know the future, because we've seen the past (which is the best predictor, if memory serves me correctly -- and it often doesn't)

Don't buy at the cutting edge unless you are willing to see your investment halve, or unless you REALLY need whatever it is.

The next step back from the cutting edge is almost always better value for money - and both are out-of-date in a year (except perhaps Skulltrail - but let's not go there again)

Live in the now - and go flying or developing, or whatever it is you like!

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Well, I've made up my mind (until next week when something better comes out). I'm gonna get a 256Gb OCZ Colossus when I pick up Win 7 next week.

Eleven hundred bucks for a drive seems a lot, but at 260mb/sec transfer, that's gotta be greased lightning for FTX.

Thanx to John for bringing it to my attention,


P.S. The wife isn't too happy with him, tho, she'll probably be working till she's 70

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2 x 120's and a raid controller is gonna be about the same price and then I got the problem that my combined C and FSX/FTX folder are nearly 100gb, so I need a single drive bigger than 120gb, hence the need for the 250gb drive.


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I have had one of the OCZ Vertex Turbo 120gB drives since I did my rebuild in early September - no problems other than a little small, but it is fast. Do not be fooled however - FSX does not boot 'instantly' - here are some times for you to compare...

Default flight loads to the new IRIS Christen Eagle parked at Somersby. Sceneries installed are OZX 3 (beta) and all FTX region and aerodrome packs. FTX AI Traffic 100% and all sliders maxed except autogen at 1 notch to left.

First FSX startup of the day (always slower) -

startup screen - 5sec

sitting in cockpit - 40sec

subsequent reset of flight - ~3sec

load new flight from startup screen - ~31sec

exit FSX back to WIN7 aero glass interface and then restart FSX, autoload new flight (bypass startup screen)


SSD and system setup usage.

SSD - ~70gB full, includes OS (WIN7 64bit), FSX, REX scenery dev tools, Photoshop, Office, another large (online) game and lots of misc utilities. Second HDD for data and storage.

May come a time when I need to put in another SSD (raid0) just to increase usable space. Planning for that eventuality I purchased a dual hot swap 2.5in bay when I built my system.


One thing to be very aware of with SSD - XP and VISTA do not recognise it as other than a harddrive and enable defragging and other behind the scene clean up/speed up tasks that will wear the drive out quicker than normal; whereas WIN7 recognises it as SSD and disables these tasks by default - HOWEVER - if you raid your SSD's be aware that WIN7 cannot see them as SSD behind the raid driver and therefore enables the background tasks. For Raid Win7 or other OS you need to disable these tasks via the registry (google search).

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Crunch time this morning. I went to order my ssd and win 7.

The distributor didn't have any, so I went back to my research and concluded (especially after reading the latest anandtech write-up on SSD's) that I would buy the Intel 160Gb G2 instead, the one that Mango has ordered.

Looks like they're in stock, ordered it and win 7 and booked out two days of my week to get it running like butter.

While 160gb is still relatively small, I figure it may last me 12 months until the 500gb drives become more affordable and then I'll swap my 160gb into my lappy and go to the bigger drive.

Least that's the plan, for this week!


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Yeah, i think the 160 GB G2 is a good choice for now. I'll use one for the C: drive and one for FSX. Backups which i use often go on a Raptor 150 and eventually other games on the second Raptor 150 which i have both already. Then there are some WD 250s laying around if that is not enough. For the mirror image i use a 500 GB external USB drive (bit slow but hey...).

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I should have bought that drive when we talked about it last, Heiko. Then it was about 600, now it's closer to a grand.

And that's with a strengthening dollar, 91 cents today!

I think they are cashing in on the release of Win 7.


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