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Two layers of runway and taxiway?

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Hi! I have just purchased and installed NZ north and south island and NZQN airport.

Tonight, when I land NZQN, my plane "sink into" the runway when I touch down. Then I realized that it's because the runway is "floating" a few feet above the ground! So is the taxiway.

How can solve it? Thanks!

My Transection number for NZQN: 5922a16124635

My email: s7987@ms53.hinet.net





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1 hour ago, Richard Lincoln said:



     Do you have your Mesh set to the recommended 5m?

Thanks for replying..

Indeed, I didn't. I set it to 19m. Now I will adjust it to 5m.

What about the Texture resolution? Thanks.

BTW, is it the reason? 

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1 hour ago, Richard Lincoln said:



     Do you have your Mesh set to the recommended 5m?

Sadly. It's the same after adjusting to Mesh to 5m... As you can see in the pic. I post.

The F35 is cut through horizontally by a runway, which is elevated a few feet above the lower "ground"


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23 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

If you want to try it, just click on the NZQN icon in FTX Central and select uninstall.

Then select Install.

Thanks a lot! There is no more elevated runway now. BTW, just to be sure, what is it in the circle I mark? Is it normal?

Thanks again for your help! Nick!!




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