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Would I see an improvement form my current stock Q6600 if i bought an i5 and new mother board?

I currently have Q6600 2.66GHz - mid range mobo - 8 gig ram DDR2 - Nvidia 8600GTX oc - win7

I am thinking about a mid priced upgrade to i5 750 2.66GHz - upper mid mobo gigabyte GA-P55M-UD4 - 8 gig ram DDR3 - (optional radeon HD5770 to make use of eyfinity) then just run all my other pieces from old PC


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The Q6600 is still a competivite chip even in today's world. Have you tried overclocking? Even a little bump to 3.0Ghz would do the trick. I wouldn't be looking at upgrading just yet as the 750 is just a quad core with no hyperthreading. However it does have the new 'Turbo' which automatically clocks the CPU to what program you are using needs. So, maybe wait and see and around Christmas look for an upgrade. All the best.

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Would I see an improvement form my current stock Q6600 if i bought an i5 and new mother board?


Recent report on FSX vis a vis CPU performance had a Q6600 o'clocked @ 3.6 giving an average 24fps. No reports yet seen re FSX and the i5's, so it may be best to overclock your current setup as nerd-tech suggested while waiting for more reports to come to hand - there would probably be someone on these forums running an i5 on FSX who can help.

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I have tried OCing a few times, followed a great tutorial on it but something keeps reverting it back to stock settings after every 2nd or 3rd start up after the initial OC, then last time I did it, was very very early stages of OCing and temps went through the roof, So i decided just to let it be so i didnt render myself FSXless

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Hi Jason,

In the absence of anyone using this new chip giving you the drum, it may be helpful to have a look at the November issue of PCUser which in their Test Bench section (p24, 25, 26) have reports of their comparative tests of the three i5 chips, the Gigabyte, Asus and MSI mobo's they fit, and the Radeon 5870 all of which fit the bill for your project. You may also want to look at new RAM and PSU, and from your experience , probably an aftermarket cooler.

In their tests they were able to clock the i5 750 to 4.1, higher than the i5 860 and i5 870, the E8600 and the i7 920, so it was the recommended best buy.

Based on this information I would suggest that the new system would outperform your current one without any trouble.

fwiw I am running an unclocked E8500 @ 3.13 with a GTX280 card in one of my systems and it is a dream to use except in places like Sydney etc. For city flying I use an E8600 clocked at 3.969 on a GTX280 which is very smooth; both these rigs run TH2Go with no issues and good frame rates.  ;)

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I plan on going i5 very soon if everything goes to plan. Its price and OC ability should be a winner if you can't afford the i7's.

Jason, I would say for you to see much benefit would still require OC'ing the i5, if you left it stock I wouldn't think you would see much improvement for the extra $$$ given the CPU speed is the same albeit with slightly newer archiecture.

If I was you I would try to investigate your issues when OC'ing the Q6600 and fix that first, if you can.

However in case you wondering here is a new review using the i5, OC to 4.2GHz on air.

I feel there are better MoBo's out there but goes to show how versatile & stable this CPU can be: http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=3655&p=6

If your wondering what sort of Gaming FPS the i5 gets, check this review (pity it doesn't include FSX): http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=3634&p=16

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