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Catching the outbound ride

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Into the forest...


... no, it is not the forest. Just the boundary of Narvik airport.


Cross the fjord...


... and out towards the sea.


Someone ahead...


... from Panama? You are kidding. Or just saving taxes and salaries.


OK, I´ll join you and save fuel on my way to the west...



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Thanks for you compliments, @Iain Emms, @jury42, @adambar and @paulb!


18 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Yep all landable AI tanker good screen from Narvik


Indeed. It looks like it was made by Hanrik Nielsen, btw.


18 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice flying! I like the #4 shot.

Thanks, magic, that shot gives a nice view of a huge part of the scenery.


15 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Outstanding Gerold!  You'll have a free ride or plenty of gas to refuel.

Or both...!


10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent series Gerold with a nice twist at the end.

I am refuelled meanwhile, so I can proceed. Or did they already carry me over straight to Scotland;)?

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