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An inspection in yellow

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Newly added sceneries need to be inspected with slower tools. Not so slow, this time. But flexible, at least.

Let´s go, from Haukasen...


... over the Sognefjord...


(hope you feel well?)...


... to Kaupanger.


These tourists look all greek to me, ...


... before I visit Urnes stave church. Details get blurry if you get so close, this is just to proof how these churches look like.


The city of Sogndal...


... and then with full power over Storehaugen...


... back into ENSG again. This airport has noting but a fantastic location!


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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Yeah!  All right Gerold!  Man do I love these shots.  Not only do I like the yellow chopper but the scenery is fantastic, I like how the weather is so clear.  Absolutely beautiful scenery too!

+1 - Now all we need is a yellow submarine for FS and Jack will be a very happy bloke . :rolleyes::D:)


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8 hours ago, BradB said:

Now all we need is a yellow submarine for FS and Jack will be a very happy bloke . :rolleyes::D:)

I'd be very happy indeed John!  This is cool and they have subs in P3D, I wonder if anyone has ever reskinned one in yellow? :lol:

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18 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Gerold! :) I wish that I could fly a helicopter without crashing half of the time...............

Thank you, Paul. The default helicopters are much more difficult to control than the paywares. Get one when there is some discount around, and try!


17 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Yeah!  All right Gerold!  Man do I love these shots.  Not only do I like the yellow chopper but the scenery is fantastic, I like how the weather is so clear.  Absolutely beautiful scenery too!

Hehe, I knew you will like the copter´s livery. I had to cheat with the weather to enjoy the scenery, and you can see these mountains require some visibility...


15 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Just wonderful, Gerold. Me thinks, we all bought the same airports ;)

Well, out need-to-buy lists get shorter, so the coincidences come. Enjoy it!


11 hours ago, BradB said:

+1 - Now all we need is a yellow submarine for FS and Jack will be a very happy bloke . :rolleyes::D:)



But how come with the submarine up to this beautiful airstrip?


9 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set these Gerold.



Thanks, Iain!


1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

Stupendous series of shotz! Glad to know that it was only a routine mission.

Correct. I did not have anything Norwegian, and I could not resist the colour...

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Thank you, Paul. The default helicopters are much more difficult to control than the paywares. Get one when there is some discount around, and try!



I do have one payware Gerold...........which I must fly soon! LOL! :D

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12 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

OK with this link i'm on , thank's for the yellow , to Marseille in Provence, the yellow it's the PASTIS  1 volum pastis 5 volum fresh water and an  ice- rock :wacko:

the link to see what is it  : http://madeinmarseille.net/17002-boire-pastis-pas-cher/


Great link, Patrick, and surely @Jack Sawyer will try the yellow recipie.


8 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic shots Gerold! :)

Thank you, Adam!


7 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Gerold. I am always amazed that pilots can fly something that looks like an insect on huge steroids.:rolleyes:

She flies very handsome, despite her big size. CeraSim has done a really good job.


6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful series Gerold and a very bright chopper.

Many of these scenic areas do seem to have a visibility problem at times.

This time I cheated with the weather to get better visibility, but it did not help me on the first attempt to post. At least the flying experience was great, with all these beautiful views, I hope I have caught your interest for the region... 

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I would Gerold if I could speak French.  I can do Pig-Latin though, my kids taught me a long time ago! :lol:



Because in Marseille, the pastis it is much more than an institution, it is the tradition which is passed on from generation to generation, we owed propose you a selection of cheap pastis to avoid the swindle of certain bars and restaurants. Well on this selection extends only on the scale of the city center, " it was impossible to test and to contact all the bars of the city."


Yep Jack Sawyer you have a lot of work to test Pastis ... :P



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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Maybe Google is your friend...?

I wouldn't know where to begin...

10 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:



Because in Marseille, the pastis it is much more than an institution, it is the tradition which is passed on from generation to generation, we owed propose you a selection of cheap pastis to avoid the swindle of certain bars and restaurants. Well on this selection extends only on the scale of the city center, " it was impossible to test and to contact all the bars of the city."


Yep Jack Sawyer you have a lot of work to test Pastis ... :P



I'll try any adult beverage once!  Is it wine?  Liqueur?  I personally like a fine French or Italian Merlot.  It's my favorite adult beverage.

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Just looked it up:


"In Greece it is called ouzo, In Turkey raki, in Lebanon and Syria arrak. While recipes vary slightly from country to country the basics never do. 

Pastis consists of alcohol, star anise..."


I've had Ouzo in Greece and Raki in Turkey, pretty strong stuff.  But my doctors finally figured out why I used to get dehydrated all the time.  It's anise.  I used to eat a lot of candy hear called "Good 'n Plenty" which contains black licorice which contains anise.  Anise acts directly on the adrenal glands to suppress aldosterone which in turn causes frequent trips to the bathroom which in turn causes dehydration.


So I have to swear off this stuff although if it's like Ouzo it's marvelous!

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