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What would you do, What would you do?

Guest boeingqa

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Guest boeingqa

Guys l`m stuck.. apart from my system being great l`m getting major stutters even after a full format for windows 7 and fsx. In fsx when l pan around

l see atifacts if this is the right term. l`m thinking its the videocard and was also thinking of getting a new gtx285 or lower card.

What do u guys think? l have a gigabyte GTX 285 2 gig.. thinking of a GTX 285 1 gig

Thanks guys


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Guest boeingqa

Did bud, getting the graphic spikes and jerky picture. l`ve tried everything, l`ve never had this before on my old system. It just has to be the videocard.

Might sell it on ebay for around $250 and that can pay for a eVGA gtx 285. If it still happens l know its not the videocard.

Thanks Maurice.

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Paul ... I take it this is the same problem discussed in your other thread?

Hyperthreading off in BIOS (8 cores in Corei7 is crap - use 4).

OC settings OK (QPI and Memory etc etc) - if unsure - reset everything and run stock until you sort it out.

Graphics card properly seated

BOTH power connectors on graphics card connected properly back to main PSU

Nothing blocking fans or causing heat buildup

Win7 Installed and patched / latest drivers for Sound and Graphics.

Kill all unnecessary processes

Then Install / Test / tune in sequence and see when the problems arise:


FTX Regions SP3



I have not had a "dud" graphics card out of the box (I have fried a few) but I have had dud driver updates and conflicts.

It is not that it is not possible, but it is less likely unless you are having problems in othr 3D apps.  Perhaps install another GPU intensive 3D app and see whether the VIDcard malperforms in that.

Stutters are less likely to be faulty GPU memory and more likely to be system tuning, but perhaps your friendly computer shop will let you try a 1Gb GTX285 to see whether that helps..

PS - it might be useful to know what "artefacts" you are seeing -- autogen spikes, translation errors, texture transpositions, texture replacements, transparency issues etc etc.

Or are we still talking stutters?

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Guest boeingqa

Hi bud thanks for the help, l`ve got the lastest drivers installed for the videocard and bios ect.. its no good install everything for fsx till l sort out the graphic spikes and jerks. l have got rid as much processes l think l`m down to 31. what do u have yours down too? Oh 1 thing, the videocard and the power supply on the PS box l have 2 plugs for PCI express but l have also 2 leads for the PCI express. do l use the leads or use the additional leads and plug into the PS? l hope you understand what l mean. l dont think it will matter.

My case has been cleaned and it looks ok.

HT is disabled anything else? do you think? but l will try to set it back to default setting in the bios and see what happens if l get the spikes l will have to try a new




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Guest boeingqa

Ok so you recon its best to use the 2 outlets from the PS to use PCI express instead of the other leads.. If so l`ll set it up that way.

l was also looking at the eVGA l`ve never had one from all accounts they seem quite good.

Thx Maurice


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Well I'd suggest you get your terminology in sync too please as this will help, your explanations are a little hard to decipher. 

When you say extra lead  I'm thinking you mean there is a flylead often furnished with Vid Cards that has a standard 4 Pin Molex Socket to accept a regular IDE Power lead and split it to the 2 Power sockets on the Graphics Card.

Later Power Supplies have many power leads for SATA HDD's and also Videocards . So NO you do not use the flylead adapter that came with the Video Card unless it is needed because the Plugs and sockets don't match.

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Guest boeingqa

Ok sorry maurice

On the PS l have 2 leads coming out of the PS with PCI express.. which l take it, its for the videocard but l also On the PS box have 2 red plugs for PCI express. Do l use the direct ones from the PS or plug in the 2 leads in. With the higher end PS`s l have a choice of using the leads coming out of the PS box, or add 2 leads to plug into the Red plug stating PCI express. This is what l have


also have a look at this


l have 2 red ones for the PCI express.

Thx Maurice


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You are NOT making any sense, do you have an adapter that came with the Graphics card or are we talking about something way different.  There should be a Lead or Leads from the PSU that may or may not be labeled now it may have 2 known configurations that I am aware of and may also be coloured.

The 2 types of PCIe Power leads that I am aware of  2 X 8 Pin and 2 X 6 pin both of which may be supplied on your PSU, so obviously you use what fits.  I'll check your links.

The PSU may also have additional leads that are configured for a different type of Graphics adapter or may be designed for other PCIe Device or application including SLI .

 EDIT:-  No Calamity from my understanding Ian  I just want to make sure we are all on the same page RE; Connectors.

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Guest boeingqa

Yes you make sense, Your totally right hehehehe stupid me. The other PCI express is for the second videocard.  anyway bud thanks for all the help

l might look at the new card tomorrow, also l`m looking at getting another WD velociraptor Hd soon and connect them both up.

Again Maurice

Thanks for all the help


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Guest boeingqa

Yes the card is firmly attached also the power leads are in... l even went back to stock, no overclocking and still seeing the graphic spikes. l have to say very very bad spikes.

Thanks guys


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Delete any reference to Buffer Pools in the FSX.cfg file  or research what the base setting is  and start from there.

Now here is another thing are you talking spikes like tree's sticking up all and sundry or something different.

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Guest boeingqa

Mango if your talking about bus interface it says PCI-E 2.0 16X

Maurice l dont have any tweaks applied to fsx yet, also with regards to the spikes, when in the virtual cockpit or outside views l will see graphic lines from the ground up.. l hope this helps

Thanks guys


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Guest boeingqa

also checked the temp for the GPU and at idle it 39... l was trying to take a picture but its hard, l will try google if l can find something related to this and send it to you.


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Guest boeingqa

Nah l`ve never OC this card at all, not worth it

as 1 gig VS 2 gig l might have to agree it seems not too many people have the same card as mine.

l have the Gigabyte GTX 285 2 gig, But l will sell on ebay tonight for $250 with free postage. Even

though its not doing to well on FSX its great on other games. l should get $250 well l hope this can go towards

my new card.

Thx guys


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Well, I just found this thread tonight and by no means do I mean to hijack it.  I just want you to know that you're not alone with this problem.  I am running a different system than yours and I recently reinstalled FSX after a reformat of the hard drive.  I installed the add-on Tongass X and immediately began to see the same type of artifacts that you showed in the linked screenshot.  I see trees floating, blue squares on the terrain, missing terrain features, etc. and the general consensus is that the video card is being overworked.  I figured it was due to my ATI 4870 1 GB card and I have tried some suggestions to off load the work from the video card.  In fact, I was seriously considering a new video card (GTX 285) since that appears to be the card of choice.  But, I'm not so sure now that you are experiencing similiar problems.  I will watch this thread to see if any progress is made and the only thing that I have tried is to add the line to the .cfg file to reduce the number of buildings/trees per cell.  I'm leaning toward a driver issue and it looks like I might have to download an older catalyst driver to see if things improve.  Good luck!

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Those spikes are clearly caused by vRAM exhaustion... I made several tests provoking those with the MSFS SP2 beta. It absolutely shouldn't happen with your hardware and settings (or maybe we overlooked something ? You use very dense agn, not maximum, correct ?).

You have one 6 pin and one 8 pin power connector attached to the card, right ?

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You are correct it is definitely to do with VRAM exhaustion or possibly VAS.  Is Paul (the OP) running Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit.  If the former then that 2Gb card has sucked up all of his VAS and FSX has nowhere to go, that's why the 1Gb would run better..  If he's running Win 7 64-bit then that's something else - faulty Vram maybe? 

Just a thought



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Guest boeingqa

Hi guys l`m running windows 7 64bit, l`ve just dumb down my scenery to sparse and no spikes but bad very bad jerks. as for the power connectors l have the 2 6 pin connectors connected.

l still think it might be the videocard, unless somehow windows is using way too many memory from the card? but it shouldnt.



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Guest boeingqa

Nah havent tried in the other PCI express slot acc HD in the way. l guess its worth trying this, but l wasnt too sure you could do this? anyway worth a try

also l`ve just tryed window mode compared to full screen and its ok, but l`m not going to get to happy with this till l know what the cause is. l should be

able to run in fullscreen mode. anyway wish me just l`ll shut down and try

Thanks guys, thanks for sticking with me.


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Hi guys l`m running windows 7 64bit, l`ve just dumb down my scenery to sparse and no spikes but bad very bad jerks. as for the power connectors l have the 2 6 pin connectors connected.

l still think it might be the videocard, unless somehow windows is using way too many memory from the card? but it shouldnt.



FWIW when I had similar spikes I discovered my in game resolution was different than my Vista Control Panel res, and my autogen had to also come down from very dense to dense. also check that if you have AA at say 8 or 16 in the nvidia control panel that it is unchecked in the FSX (in game) panel.  This was on an E8500 system ;)

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Guest boeingqa

Both game and res in windows are the same, l`ve tried changing the PCI express slots but that didnt help.

Must be this darn 2 gig card.

Thx guys

Oh Maurice, what did u mean make sure your Video Drivers and FSX are both running across ALL cores how do l check this bud?



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Guest boeingqa

Now l`m stuffing things up LOL, l`ve checked and all is right with the cores, FSx is using all 0,1,2,3

Now when l uninstalled the drivers and put in the new ones again, my icons are soooo bright and vivid colour

its like its running 16 bit colour instead of 32 bit. now l have to work this out. hwehehe

Just shoot me


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Guest boeingqa

Ok got my colour ok hehehe my fault, well l did try everything still getting the spikes and jerks might have to

try a new videocard.. what about ATI have they got a decent one out?



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OK  I'll go out on a limb here  Have you got access to another PC either with XP, Vista or W7 that the suspect Vid Card can be tested in?  I don't believe that it is the video card that is the problem but rather the driver's.

I'd go back as far as 185.85 and start there .

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