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REX - candid opinions?


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I installed v.1, way back, and met nothing but frustration. Notably, constant niggles that though I had 4 gig of RAM I was 'running out of memory.' Apart from that, the only way to get a reasonable result was to abandon any idea of making choices myself and let the program choose.  I got fed up, deleted, and went back to a blessedly uncomplicated life.  I kept the CD in case the prog improved. Now I've downloaded v2.0, but before installing I visited  the REX forums to check out opinion. It's a sorry experience: just as before, a  catalogue of unhappy people. Not exactly encouraging, if like me you're not a technocrat.  While I admire the REX-based screenshots, I'm not anxious to start all over again only to encounter a fresh batch of frustrations, even with my current E6850/GTX260/8 gigs RAM. I'd really value some frank opinions. Is it worth my trying again, or more sensible to forget it. I don't pretend to any degree of expertise...

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Sorry to hear of your bad times with REX mate, I had a problem with V1 it not being able to find my backup folder and because of that not being able to go any further that was on the first day of release but Tim and the guys over at REX soon come up with a work around to that problem.  It then installed with me having no more problems what so ever, Now V2 is out i downloaded that and installed it with no problems what so ever been using it ever since i think its a great product and some of the themes you can use i think as real as you can get and with more updates to come i will be using REX for a very long time to come. I have got and used FEX which is also a good product but i now believe they have gone out of buisiness so if thats the case that wont be moving forward anymore. I have also used Active sky x another nice one, but i will stay with REX thats for sure and to answer your question yes i would give it another go for sure and im sure Tim and his guys and also the guys here can help you to get REX to work properly and when you get it up and running i dont think you will be dissapointed TG.



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I left buying it until v2 and find that I have currently little problem with it. It maybe I don't 'stretch' it. I find the config can and has been a problem but now sorted. Worth a try. Perhaps Johny could let you know his problems, I know he's had a few.


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Sounds suspiciously like you have a memory leak  that could have been triggered by REX or something else that is integrated on the PC .

I don't think it will solely be REX that is causing the problem , there are too many people using REX without issue. 

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Hi TG,

Having spent the odd few years in the IT industry, the last thing I want in my flight sim, is to have to fiddle around and program stuff. I go for the easiest options.

If a program or add-on is too complicated, I ditch it, even if I've spent good money on it.

There are far too many add-ons, in my opinion, where you have to spend hours adjusting this config and that config, just to get the thing to work with other pieces of software.

When I first purchsed REX (version 1.0 or 1,1, I can't remember), I was a little disappointed that it was so complex. I had seen the results in the screenshot forum, like you, so I persevered.

I never really got the hang of it and half the time I think I was running just default weather anyway.

When 2.0 was released and it was a free upgrade, I decided to try again.

After downloading it, I felt the program was a little daunting with the complexity of it, but had a little play around.

Other things came up and I failed to finish setting it up, but to my surprise, I was still getting the great weather and water textures.

I still, to this day, have not fully come to grips with the interface and all the available setup, but the program runs itself quite nicely, I've never had any issues with it and I can honestly say, even tho I probably don't use it to it's full potential, it is a must have on my computer (probably as high as FTX, in my eyes). These days, I never fly without it.

If it were me, TG, I'd persevere, find your problem and give it another shot. There is no other weather and environment engine like it around that I know that even comes close to REX, and I've purchased the odd one or two.


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I purchased 1.0 not too soon after its release, but like a lot of people, was a bit daunted with the numerous problems people were having both with installation and use.

Consequently I delayed installation, whilst constantly monitoring the forums.  Then came the announcement that a V2 was coming, so I decided to wait until it arrived before installing.

And wait I did .... BUT, it eventually did arrive, and I bit the bullet and installed it all ... only to drop into the "eml.exe" problems etc.  Nevertheless, I persevered, and the REX team are very committed to helping people, and now I am very very happy with the end result.  Even with the now well documented install and config problems, I found the whole process quite simple and straightforward, though I stress that the manual is there to be read (incl the prelim quick start version), and I always do that.

I would definitely recommend you give it a run TG - it's all pretty simple really, and the rewards are spectacular ..... BUT, definitely read the manual first (as they say, RTFM!!).  

Anyhow, all the best if you give it a run - you won't need luck, just a bit of application and commitment - and remember, the REX guys are good and very helpful guys, and get those with genuine problems sorted quickly.

REX and FTX blend very well together.


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I have found REX to be extremely easy to use after the upgrade to REX2. I use Active Sky Advance as the weather engine and so get the best of both worlds. Once you have the theme you like in Rex installed you really don't have to turn the program on again until you want to change the theme again, since a theme covers all seasons and time you are good to go. With the amalgamation of the two programs there are no untoward pauses or long waits when loading. Just keep trying until you get what you like yourself

Ken  :)

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Thanks, everyone, for your generous response. I was persuaded I should have a go. But to make sure, I downloaded the manual first - and that finished me. Way out of my league. When I can't even understand  a manual, it's time to quit...

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Aw come on TG ..... give it a go ... you'll find it all pretty intuitive really - you just have to be careful and precise in telling it where to find your FSX and your fsx.cfg, and it all falls into place well.

I was looking forward to what REX could do to your already excellent screenshots - you can't drop off having already parted with the moola (LOL).

Anyhow, all the best with whichever path you take  -  simming is definitely to enjoy, not stress over.

Cheers mate.

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Hi Tailgunner

I wouldn't stress too much about the manual. Most of those things are written for people by people that dont really need to read them.  With the graphics you simply either choose a theme you like (tell by clicking on the pictures of the different types) , or make your own them once again by clicking on the type of picture you like. Once you have done this start up FSX and the graphics will be loaded in (this may take 5 minutes or more). At this stage you are ready to run FSX. If you are using the weather online that comes with REX you have 2 choices. If you want the same them all the time which by the way covers all seasons etc then once you have installed the theme the very first time turn off the option in the configuration manager. This way you dont get the delay ever time you load FSX as REX will choose your clouds ets out of the same graphics allready loaded into you machine. If you are using another program for your weather engine then you only need to run REX when you want to change your theme. You simply start up your other weather engine (ASA or other program) and then FSX.

Thats it in a nutshell.  If you want to do any more than that then start to worry about the manual and only read the section needed. Dont try everything at once or you will get bogged down.

I hope this helps

Ken  :)

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Hi Tailgunner

Sorry to be so late coming into this thread.

The others are right.  I had awful trouble getting REX on and working as you may have seen from the forum.

However, I've always liked it, not as a product, it is all the criticisms suggest, but for the results when its up and working.  FEX can no longer compete, REX, even with the clouds which because I can't tell the difference from 4096,  I run at 2046 are so much better and with more variety if you want.   The water, used with FSWC (freeware) is fabulous and those are the only two bits of it I use.  Even with this limited use, there is no other product on the market that can compete and I must say it transformed my sim flying experience just as greatly as MTX and the ORBX AI has.

If you can overcome the potential installation problems, I'm sure you'll like it.  And to be fair, there are many who haven't had problems at all with the installation.  The problems, if you get them, seem mainly to be something to do with the configuration panel.

If you do decide to get it, make sure you make a disc of the download because that can take an age and if you hit a problem you don't want to have to do that again too many times as I had to.  The wrapper also takes quite a time and I know some people have managed to disc up the unwrapped product but even with guidance I could never figure out how it was done.

The other thing is, that you have to put Version 1 on first but its important not to open it even after the shortcut appears on your desktop.  Run version 2 which is several parts but easy, not forgetting the very last bit which is quite easy to forget because it is not part of the 8 (I think it is) bits comprising version 2 and the Flight Sim Store downloading instructions are not quite as clear as they might be on this.

Finally, you get to the Configuration Panel and part 3 of that is the bit that can really cause a problem.  It should show an 'initial back up' file in the blank panel.  If it doesn't it's no good going any further or clicking anything else because it simply won't work!  What you need to do then is go to the place where you've got REX installed and make a folder called 'backup' and place it in REX/Data/Initial Backup and then transfer by copy and paste the contents of a REX folder in App Data/Local into it.  When you go back to the Config.Panel the words 'initial backup' should have appeared and you can proceed.  After that its plain sailing.  Oh, and take my tip, steer clear of the 'delete' button on the 'Themes' page.  It can mess things up completely if not used properly!

This is only to give you an idea mind.  You probably may not have to do any of this and I hope you don't.  If you do get into trouble, you will be able to find my old thread in the REX Support pages and in that are very full instructions which you should follow.  Not from the above because that's from memory!  And you know what us oldn's memories are like;  If it was in 1945 it would be alright, but recent month's memories can cause a few problems! ;D

It's complicated and I got it wrong at that stage a couple of times because the instructions on the REX forum had what you have to do in the wrong order, although that may have been amended now and its well documented in the thread.  In all, I downloaded 4 times, including buying it twice, and tried to install it at least 5 before I succeeded. ::) ::)  But it was worth it!

Get it if you possibly can.  You'll not be disappointed.


PS - You're right Tailgunner.  The manual is too long, and puts people off.  To be honest, it doesn't really tell you the important bits.  For instance, it tells you all about parts 1 and 2 of the Configuration Panel but absolutely nothing about the bit that causes so many of the problems ie Part 3.  So, my advice is to ignore it, or perhaps only use it for tips when you've already got it installed. 

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Hi Peter

Well, we're in the same Country so should you decide to do it and have a query, if push comes to shove, we could try to solve it by telephone.  I'm no expert but at least I speak English and not 'computer geekese'.

When or if you decide you want to go ahead, PM me and we can exchange numbers.


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I liked the idea of REX a lot and started off with Ver 1 however it was not until I loaded the free upgrade to ver 2 that I discovered it is not half as tricky as it seems. Ver 2 loaded over Ver 1 without a problem.

Open REX. On the main screen select the Weather tag and then select Use REX random weather theme and press OK.  Next ignore Step 1 and set the Season and Severity parameters in Step 2.

Click the Fly Now tag at the top of the screen. REX will shrink, FSX will start and the black WASys screen should display. Select or plan a mission in FSX and go as far as the briefing screen. Go back to WASys and press LOAD WX.

The loading gauge should run and a map of the mission will appear. Now either minimise or simply ignore and fly the mission. REX will generate the weather. This will also override the weather in the FSX missions library.

This is only the beginning of course but having got this far it is fairly simple to learn how to use more and more of what REX offers.

My opinion, I love it even if it is going to cost me a lot of money on a computer rebuild to fully cater for everything it can do.



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