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An appeal regarding the screen shot contest.


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Ladies and Gentlemen,


I hope I am speaking for most if not all people who enter the monthly screenshot contest.


It is held in good nature and well run by Iain who has to make sure the rules are adhered to.


If the unfortunate happens that you have a shot rejected could you please count to 10, read the rules again and then accept the decision without any nastiness.


The last thing we want is to have one of the ORBX team say, that is enough, no more comps.


Thank you for your co operation.:)






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I agree Martyn,



1.The rules are quite clear.

2.As I keep reminding myself :rolleyes: .This is an orbx forum.

3. Orbx sell scenery.

4. Without their sales they would not fund a forum.

5. I would like to post shots of other scenery, but I remind myself of 1-4 above!

6. Such is life.......:)

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One thing I have noticed is the beautiful shot with 15 likes in the contest thread might get beaten by the winner that had 4 votes in the contest thread when it comes to voting, very strange.

But as another mentioned above, there might be many entrants and only half or so might actually vote, so it is always up for grabs, you never know.

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I haven't entered a photo in the contest in a long time.  I never expected to win and never thought I deserved to.  One time I did get one like........made my day.  I surely hope Orbx keeps the comps going.  I might get the urge and enter another screen shot or two.  I voted every time I entered and will continue to do so.  I think the contest is a good way to promote loyalty and interest for Orbx.


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I used to enter all the time but one time I entered and then forgot to vote and somebody said something about it so I kinda figured I just shouldn't enter if I cant remember that I did.


besides that, it always seemed to me that the same small handful of people were always winning and many of the pictures had subjects that were the user's aircraft.  It should be about scenery because Orbx is a scenery company for the most part.  in my opinion.


but it is what it is and there are always great shots to be seen.  I would hope it would continue.  I haven't been around for a while so Im guessing something happened that Im not aware of...par for the course.

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Don't worry chaps the contests will still be here, I do enjoy running them and seeing your fantastic entries each month.

Please just remember its supposed to be a bit of fun here on the forum for you all and I know it can be frustrating if I ask you to repost another shot its not a personal thing and I try to be fair to everybody that enters but the rules have to be adhered to as well. I myself have to answer to JV if I get the contests wrong so all I ask is if you are thinking of entering a shot please read the rules first if in doubt you can always shoot me a pm, As you know im on the forum every day.

Have fun.




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I love entering even if I don't win.  I just like to see the creativity and the way some people really have an eye for a good shot.  Please don't stop the contest even if I never win.  Besides, I like to see people win, it's exciting for them and always well deserved.





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It's bait Jack, don't rise to it.

As far as I can see, photoshop and other editing is expressly allowed and looking through the March submissions,

there are as many, if not more, good unprocessed shots as processed.

If I were allowed to vote, they would all win.

Just as well I am not.:)

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35 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

It's bait Jack, don't rise to it.

As far as I can see, photoshop and other editing is expressly allowed and looking through the March submissions,

there are as many, if not more, good unprocessed shots as processed.

If I were allowed to vote, they would all win.

Just as well I am not.:)

Thanks Nick.  Didn't know it was bait.  Why would someone try to accuse people like that?  It would be very difficult for me to tell if a shot is Photoshopped or not.  

Anyway, I think the contest is a great idea, Orbx is very generous to do it and also very generous to give all the freeware too.  I for one appreciate it.



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Sure, some of the shots have been 'played with' whilst others are 100% natural. I really don't think that it matters. Surely the idea is allow people to express their creativity whilst, at the same time, showing off orbx scenery. After all, variety is the spice of life!  That's the fun of the competition! :)

For what it's worth, I did play with mine in PSP as I wanted to have a 30's sepia style effect. I probably overdid it, but I was happy at the time!

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I agree about the requirement being about Orbx scenery and not a plane or clouds or weather as none of those are related to scenery. That is why I thought that last month's winner was an excellent choice. Yes there was a plane in it, of course, it's a flight sim photo contest, but the winner last month really showed off the great details that had been incorporated into the actual surrounding scenery, developed by Orbx.

The Community Screenshot section is the rightful place for posting shots of all other type pics. Looking at that forum section and it is full of plane shots with very little scenery showing or if it is showing there is very little detail due to altitude or weather etc. They include some great pics, but not suitable for the contest as prescribed by the current rules.


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10 hours ago, Pat Cox (Aussieman) said:

I don't enter for these reasons:


1. I don't own Photoshop

2. For that reason it is useless entering as you can't compete against Photoshopped screenshots.

Hi Pat, have you ever heard of Irfanview? It is almost as good as Photoshop and it is free from Irfanview.com

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Photoshop (or freeware Gimp) doesn't make all. Sometimes, the rendering is worst than a raw capture. In fact, a screenshot is like a paint. It's mainly depending of the eye of the painter instead of the tool :)


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My personal view. and I am not a regular comp poster by any means, (probably two in the past year) so I have no axe to grind, is that as this is about Orbx scenery, the screenshots should be straight off the V key, as any changes made by editing in the competition do not truly reflect the Orbx scenery. Teecee.

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18 hours ago, teecee said:

My personal view. and I am not a regular comp poster by any means, (probably two in the past year) so I have no axe to grind, is that as this is about Orbx scenery, the screenshots should be straight off the V key, as any changes made by editing in the competition do not truly reflect the Orbx scenery. Teecee.

Have to agree, I think it's an inspiration to see what can actually be achieved in the sim itself - the recent shader mods make it hard to take a bad screenshot in P3D!

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Maybe we should treat this like a Photo Club contest where there were 2 groups, slides, and prints.

Slides always showed the quality of the photographer's eye because they could not be edited.  

We could call them Raw Screenshots and judge them as a group.


Edited Screenshots show us the vision that the photographer had about the subject and convey what he felt about the print.

We could call them Edited  Screenshots and judge them as a group.


Ansel Adams was a good photographer with a wonderful eye for what would make a good picture but more than that he was a Master Printer who could take a good photo and then turn it into a great work of art.  His photographs came alive under his enlarger, never as a straight print.  He always claimed that "Moonrise, Hernandez, NM" was one of his most difficult prints to make because of the poor quality of the negative.  It wasn't a planned photo but the scene caught his eye as he was driving by and he rushed the photo because of the failing light.


Raw Screenshots and Edited Screenshots are two different animals and to be fair should be judged as such, but that isn't my decision to make.






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On 28/03/2017 at 5:07 PM, teecee said:

My personal view. and I am not a regular comp poster by any means, (probably two in the past year) so I have no axe to grind, is that as this is about Orbx scenery, the screenshots should be straight off the V key, as any changes made by editing in the competition do not truly reflect the Orbx scenery. Teecee.


Echo these sentiments 100% - especially the part regarding the axe...... Just seems odd where a vote goes to how good an aircraft is looking - not the scenery, which is what I thought it was all about.  Oh well, maybe I missed something but not losing any sleep over it as whichever way you look at it, there's some pretty amazing shots there ;-)

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