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The best of British


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I can only ever remember seeing one of these huge aircraft flying. We were driving down to Littlehampton for a day at the beach. It was a typical summers day. 8/8 cloud at about 4000ft and intermittent showers. Out of the clouds flew this Blackburn Beverley. It lumbered past over the South Downs and was soon out of sight,

Must have made a big impression on me as it was over 50 years ago yet I can still picture it now. It could well have been on it's way to Tangmere which was the only RAF station in the direction it was flying.

Here are 3 shots of the Mighty Beverley flying out of Essen in some better weather.






Some info for those who are not familiar with this plane.


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There's a blast from the past.  Used to watch them ar RAF Abindgon when I was a youth......If I recall correctly, it was the first large transport aircraft to have proper reverse thrust props, and could stop in 900 ft.



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Nice Martyn!  The British sure had some cool designs.  I don't know the name of the passenger plane from the sixties but as a kid I have always loved the look of it.  It's the jet with four engines and they're mounted inside the wing near the wing root.  I always thought that was the coolest design!

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24 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice Martyn!  The British sure had some cool designs.  I don't know the name of the passenger plane from the sixties but as a kid I have always loved the look of it.  It's the jet with four engines and they're mounted inside the wing near the wing root.  I always thought that was the coolest design!

Thanks Jack, you are thinking of the DeHavilland Comet 4. A common sight where I lived near Heathrow, with BEA and BOAC and later with Dan Air(they flew out of Gatwick). I visited the Dan Air base at Lasham one evening and we were given permission to look around as long as we did not touch anything or go near the old aircraft. There were about 10 old Comets there in various states of decay. I think they were being used for spares. Also there was an Avro York parked which has since been restored to display condition.



Some more info on these 2 great British planes




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5 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack, you are thinking of the DeHavilland Comet 4. A common sight where I lived near Heathrow, with BEA and BOAC and later with Dan Air(they flew out of Gatwick). I visited the Dan Air base at Lasham one evening and we were given permission to look around as long as we did not touch anything or go near the old aircraft. There were about 10 old Comets there in various states of decay. I think they were being used for spares. Also there was an Avro York parked which has since been restored to display condition.



Some more info on these 2 great British planes




YES! Thanks Martyn.  The Comet.  What a wonderful looking plane.  Man I love the placement of those engines!  So cool for a boy of 8 back then.  Thanks for the links Martyn!

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