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Where to start?

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I don't know if this is the right forum for this question. Please forgive me if it is not. 

There are a lot of great Orbx products and a limited quantity of doubloons in my pocket. I'm interested in all the products but can only afford one or two at a time. Is there a road map somewhere telling the prospective buyer where to start? I would like a sense of the order in which I need to buy products so as to get the maximum enjoyment out of each purchase. 



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A couple of questions to start:

Do you fly airliners long distances or GA types on hops?

Where do you prefer to fly?

That will help people guide you to a start.  In the end you'll get sucked in and wind up with lots anyway...


Welcome.  :)

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Whether tubes or low and slow I would consider Global Base first because they cover the whole world with far more realistic ground textures than the default ones and have no adverse effect at all on frame rates. So make that your first purchase. After that we can advise depending on your flying preference of tubes or VFR GA. If it is both types of flying then prepare to empty your wallet of your " doubloons " over the course of the year !!:D

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As others have said Global is a great start, esp. for heavy iron pilots... As for the detailed regions it depends on the type of flying you're interested in and if you have any affinity for a particular place. There is certainly no best way, or order, to do things in, just what sways you the most...


Personally speaking my greatest interest is Europe and first and foremost my home country, so I would (if forced to pick) go for England > Wales > Scotland > Ireland > N. Ireland > Norway > Germany North and then get an airport or two close to home, which is where I fly the most.


To be honest whatever you do you can't go wrong and the improvement to your simulated world will be huge.


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