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Connie at KPSP

Jack Sawyer

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First flight.  Don't even have the cameras set up properly.  And since I do not use FSUIPC to control my Saitek yoke, both throttle quadrants, rudder pedals, and TPM I was at a loss.  Because I have two quads and I usually fly two engine planes how could I control the #'s 3 & 4 engines?  So as soon as I pulled out on the TPM throttle they all moved together.  It's better than using the mouse I guess.


But I had it do an autostart and had the engineer control everything.  I took off from KPSP in 6500 ceiling, first time I have ever seen that in KPSP but it looked cool.  Usually it's always sunny.

So I took off and went around the pattern and made a perfect landing the first time.  What a thrill, this plane is ginormous!





















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Jack, you succumbed!:)


This one the engineer flies. Bit like conducting the orchestra, with the engines being the violins.

Have just started to get to grips with juggling RPM, Manifold Pressure & The BMEP.


Anyway, couldn't hit the shift 2 table Power Setting #'s on climb out & cruise & figured out after reading the manual that Carb de-icing & heat are important.

(See P 118, last section on Carb Anti-ice & Heating)

My Manifold Pressure & BMEP were down & I think P.118 has the answer.



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13 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Top-dandy captures from the desert spa Jack!

Thanks Erik!

12 hours ago, RJ said:

Scrumptious set! :)

Thank you RJ!

12 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

That Connie is ginormous AND gorgeous!


Congrats on the new purchase and great shots (and flying) Jack!



Thanks Steve, I see some fun in my future.

11 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Stellar shots of your Constellation there Jack!

Thanks Roger.

10 hours ago, BradB said:

Smashing shots of your new Connie !! .





Thanks you John.

9 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Jack, you succumbed!:)


This one the engineer flies. Bit like conducting the orchestra, with the engines being the violins.

Have just started to get to grips with juggling RPM, Manifold Pressure & The BMEP.


Anyway, couldn't hit the shift 2 table Power Setting #'s on climb out & cruise & figured out after reading the manual that Carb de-icing & heat are important.

(See P 118, last section on Carb Anti-ice & Heating)

My Manifold Pressure & BMEP were down & I think P.118 has the answer.



Nice way to put it TTM.  I will take note of your page numbers as I have been reading the manual.  This first part with the history is most interesting.

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Dang those are nice shots of your new Connie Jack! :)

Thanks Adam.

8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful shots of your first and very successful shot Jack, you are now a Connie Captain.

I had a feeling you would soon buy this plane.

You nailed it Martyn.  I was on the fence buy good friend in the UK kept sending me YT videos and I was sold.

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set these.



Thanks Iain!

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An addendum re tweaking the engine settings - the throttle controls MP pretty well, RPM & BMEP, not so well.

For those 2, have read that you can get RPM & BMEP down & by hitting F2 then F3.

When you hit F2 the RPM just  drops in freefall,  so have to hit F3 to stop the drop.

& vice versa.

Hit F3 to up the RPM & hit F2 to stop the increase.

Its the way the L049 prop systems are set up.

So its a bit of try it to figure out the F2 & F3 dance.

Also, manual p.138 has some flight settings.


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