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May I take you home this evening?


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There are a group of German tourists waiting at Girona Airport.

They have had a wonderful 2 weeks on the Costa Brava at Palamos but all good things must come to an end.

My job is to fly them home to not so sunny Dusseldorf in my trusty Default 738 which is dressed in Condor colours.



There was a slight delay before take off as the album I was listening to had finished and I had to get the next one going.

Cannot fly for such a long way without some music.


Above the Starboard wing tip is the town of Figures. I can still remember staying there in 1962 on our first holiday in Spain.


Into France leaving the Pyrenees behind. The River Tech is prominent in this view.


Port Leucate and the Agly River.


A pleasant sunset over France.


Turning north over the Rhoine at Pierrelatte.


A view up the Rhone Valley at Montelemar.


The second largest metro region in France is Lyon. It is on the junction of the Rhone and Saone Rivers.


The Rhone is in the distance beneath the French Alps at Lagnieu.


Getting closer to home now and at Nancy.



Very near to Thionville close to the French border with Luxembourg.


I usually fly from dawn to daylight but getting well into dusk the cockpit looks great lit up.


First part of the flight, the landing to follow.

There are over 150 happy German tourists singing along to the Beatles in the cabin, I think they are enjoying the flight.


Hope you have enjoyed the ride so far.

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I was confused by this post title, this is something I expect in a bar, not in a sim forum. But then you did a great job (again) bringing these 150 Germans home while happily singing. Look forward to your landing!


Thanks @BradB

for the indication of what you expect from a German airline. Come over and enjoy! 

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